Chapter 4 - BOOM!

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Just a quick A/N I just want to say thanks to all the people who have read so far even if it is 17 or so I love you and also the explosion that goes off after John leaves will be altered slightly mainly because I forgot (oops sorry!) Ok! Let's get on with the story ❤️

3rd POV

(Y/N) woke up from a dry feeling in her mouth. She turned to her side to see Sherlock sleeping next to her. Her face flushed a bright pink as she slowly crept to the kitchen trying not to wake him. She fills a glass with water and drinks sitting down in the living room. Silence. Nothing but the slight noise of people in the street. Silence. That's all she heard. Then...


"(Y/N)?!" Sherlock ran to the living room to see (Y/N) on the floor laying there. Debris scattered all over the floor as dust flew around the room only seen by a light from the kitchen. "(Y/N)? Wake up," Sherlock took (Y/N) in his arms checking her pulse. "Still alive, thank god,"

"Sherlock?! (Y/N)?!" Mrs. Hudson yelled running up the stairs in a panic. "Oh my god!" She rushes to (Y/N)'s unconscious body. (Y/N) lay there in his arms, white dust covered her face, the only color being the blood on her forehead. Bits of glass covered her arm. The sound of sirens filled the air as paramedics rushed up the stairs to 221B. Sherlock moved a strand of hair out of (Y/N)'s face as paramedics brought out their equipment.

"What happened?" one medic asked.

"Seriously?" Sherlock asked stunned by the medics dumb question. "An explosion of course!" The medic was taken aback.

"Alright... Is she conscious?"

"What does it look like?"

"Uh... um..."

"Forget it, give me that," Sherlock takes the first aid kit and starts to clean (Y/N)'s injury.


John's POV

I wake up that morning in the living room of Sarah's flat. Sitting up on the sofa with my shirt unbuttoned I grimace and try to un-crick my neck. Sarah walks in, wearing a dressing gown and says "Morning!"

"Oh, mor..." I stop and grab my neck in pain. "Morning"

"See? Told you, you should've gone with the lilo."

"No, no, no, it's fine. I-I slept fine. It's very kind of you." She reaches behind my back to pick up the remote control for the TV, then sits on the arm of the sofa and turns on the telly.

"Well, maybe next time I'll let you kip at the end of my bed, you know."

"What about the time after that?" I grin for a brief moment turning my attention back to the telly

"So, d'you want some breakfast?"

"Love some."

"Yeah, well you'd better make it yourself, 'cause I'm gonna have a shower!"

I look at Sarah as she smiles at me sassily before leaving the room. I chuckle silently and start buttoning my shirt. "This one is anticipated to do even better. Back now to our main story. There's been a massive explosion in central London." I look at the TV screen, shocked as the picture changes to show live footage of a road where brickwork is scattered all over the pavement, and police cordons have been set up to keep people out. The headline at the bottom of the screen reads, House destroyed on Baker St

"As yet, there are no reports of any casualties, and the police are unable to say if there is any suspicion of terrorist involvement." I hear the reporter say.

Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now