Chapter 17 - Miss Heart

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You were led down a hall to a pair of doors that open to the main office of Mr. Blue. Upon entering you were met with the sight of a man in a baby blue suit, legs resting on his desk. The room was dimly lit with suits of armor at each corner. One suit held an ax and the other a sword, the two by the door held blue flags with a diamond crest.

"Mr. Blue..." Moriarty greets the man with a soft smile. You look around the room and see that by the window was a thick wooden table with papers scattered, pins jabbed and thread connecting each point.

"Moriarty..." the blue man's eyes widen at the sight, his legs falling to the floor. "What are you doing here?" His eyes land on you and his mouth drops slightly as he murmurs "Miss Heart... Heart, are you doing alive?" Your heart rate increases as you realize where you've heard "Mr. Blue" before.


Moriarty's POV

Miss Heart? Now, this is getting interesting... What are you hiding, Miss L/n... Oh... Oh! Idea!

I take out my phone and hold it behind my back typing quickly to Seb.

Get the rest to drive away. Do not ask any questions. You can stay on the roof just do not fire unless I text you. - JM

"Jim," Y/n's faint voice brought me back as I blinked and focused on the matter on hand. "Hm? Oh yes,"



"Jim?" You whisper his name to snap him back to reality. "Hm? Oh yes,"

Jim sits on the desk and grabs a pen knife that lay on top of a pile of papers. He slowly twirls it in his hand.

"Owed?... Oh, money? Yeah... not happening..." Mr. Blue lays back slightly.

"And why is that?" Moriarty's head raises a little his eyebrow quirking.

"Well it seems you have no one but this... girl who is obviously not capable of taking down my men, and without a gun, I doubt you could too." He was right, you were both unarmed, unprepared, vulnerable.

"Well then... guess we'll be on our way..." Moriarty turns on his heel and heads for the door. Two men shut the door in Jim's face, stopping him in his tracks.

"I don't think so," Mr. Blue stands up and takes out a gun slowly loading it. "Let me do the world a favor first."

"Now now, I think that we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves." You try to calm the situation as you stood between the men.

"No no, it's quite alright..." He pats the side of his thigh 3 times. 1 2... 3.


"If I ever tap my thigh 3 times you better start running, ok?" You chuckle as you and Jim sat under the tree after running from some kids in the park.

"Might as well say "Vatican Cameos!" afterward," You shake your head looking over at him. "Jim... I'll say this, even if you do that I won't run unless you do too," You close your eyes let the warm sun hit your face, leaning on Jim's shoulder.


You see him straighten his jacket. Sliding over the fabric once... twice... the third time you duck as you hear gunshots. BANG! BANG! BANG! You see Moriarty fall, a red liquid dripping from his arm. You dive for the thick wooden table and flip it on its side. Moriarty dives over too, holding his arm that was now bleeding a tremendous amount.

Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now