Chapter 5 - Freak

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Time for work my friends.

You pay the cab and walk towards the entrance of Scotland Yard. "Excuse me, where is the forensics-"


"Um... do I know you?" you see a tall man, with dark hair parted to both sides, walk up to you.

"Philip Anderson, Forensics," He smiles and shakes your hand. "Greg is on a case,"

"Yes, I'm aware,"

"Wonderful, let me show you around,"


After a long boring introduction to the place, he showed you to your desk. "Now this is your desk but most of the time you will be called to work in St. Barts hospital,"

"But that's at least 20 minutes away,"

"Yes, well that's how it is. Of course, you will be notified the day before if you'll be needed,"

"So am I needed today?"

"Yes, because you need to be introduced, of course,"

"Right," That meant you have to ride with Philip for 20 whole minutes... Good luck.


"This is Molly, she'll show you around," You finally arrived at St. Barts and Philip led you to the morgue. "Text me when you're done so I can give your schedule to you,"

"Hi, there Molly, I'm (Y/N)" You say holding your coat.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N)," She showed you around this time, and it was more entertaining than Philips, you return back to the morgue where Molly said she'll let you wander around other rooms as she had to go. "Meet me in this room," she handed you a piece of paper and walked out the door. You wandered around for a while looking into rooms and going through patient files out of curiosity. It had been a while so you went to go find the room Molly said she'll be in. Looking around you realize you were in the right hallway. You enter the room to see Molly next to some man and... Sherlock and John?

"(Y/N)! Sorry, I took a while."

"No, It's fine," You see the man turn around and... "Jim?"


"You two know each other?" Molly asked.

"Yes," You quickly ask Sherlock a question before Molly could ask how. "So exactly what type of detective are you?"

"Consulting detective,"

"The only one in the world, he invented the job," Molly piped in.

"Well, I'd better be off. I'll see you at The Fox, 'bout six-ish?" Jim said turning to Molly,

"Yeah!" You felt a tinge of jealousy. You follow him out the door as Molly stays in there.

"Jim? What are you doing here? Playing... gay?!"

"(Y/N), you shouldn't have seen that" He replies, his voice now Irish again

"Seen what? You playing gay, but dating Molly? What are you even doing? You're a criminal," you asked Jim but all he did was smirk at you. "Why are you smirking?"

"No reason, but all will be clear soon, darling," You suddenly hear a door open and Molly walks out with a look of sadness on her face. "I'll see you later, (Y/N)," he says in a London accent. He puts his hand on Molly's back and kisses her cheek. She giggles as she asks you.

"Oh, I have got to know, where did you get that coat, it's absolutely gorgeous!"

"Westwood," You chuckle and straighten the coat. "But it was a gift," You could see Moriarty smirking. "Hey Molly, I'll meet you in Beppe's Cafe, ok?" She walks off to the exit as Jim walks towards you and whispers.

"Nice choice," and walks in the other direction

"Ya sure," She says as she walks off. You walk back in to see Sherlock looking at John trying to deduce. You quickly text Philip your location, him replying quickly says he's nearby.

"But?..." Sherlock asked

"But there's traces of a name inside in felt-tip. Adults don't write their names inside their shoes, so these belonged to a kid."

"Excellent. What else?

"That's it."

"That's it?" John nods and looks in your direction shrugging.

"How did I do?"

"Well, John; really well." and for a moment John looked proud of himself. " I mean, you missed almost everything of importance, but, um, you know..." And that all went away after this comment. John looked annoyed. "(Y/N) how about you have a try," just then Philip walked in. "Ah, Anderson lets show you what true genius looks like," he looks at you confused as you pick up the shoe and smile at him.

"Well, the owner loved these. Scrubbed them clean, whitened them where they got discolored. Changed the laces three ... no, four times. Even so, there are traces of his flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema. Shoes are well-worn, more so on the inside, which means the owner had weak arches. British-made, twenty years old."

"Twenty?!" John exclaimed

"They're not retro – they're original," Sherlock said holding up his phone. You smiled at Sherlock and then turned to Anderson.

"Wow..." you were happy at his reaction until. "And to think I thought you were normal. You're just another freak" and that hurt. A lot. You start to remember what those children used to say about you. What they called you: unnatural, mistake, weirdo, freak of nature. You walk up to Anderson and without hesitation, you slap him.

"Don't you ever call me or anyone else a freak." You rush out the door. Tears streaming down your face. You run down the hall and slump down and sob to yourself until you hear someone call your name.


"M-Molly?" You look up to see her standing there, a look of worry on her face.

"Hey, are you ok? Sherlock texted me and I ran as fast as I could," you chuckled through a sob. "Don't listen to him, the fact you can do this is amazing and don't let anyone tell you differently," she was now sitting on her knees holding your shoulders. All you did was nod. You hug her.

"Thank you, Molly," you wipe the tears from your face and ask "Now how about that coffee? Then we can do some work," you smile and link arms with her, putting your head on her shoulder. You walk back to the lab where Sherlock seemed to be scolding Anderson along with Johns help. They turn to see you smiling. With your new found confidence you snatch the schedule out his hand whispering in his ear "Next time you call me or anyone names... I'll do more than a slap," but still loud enough for them all to hear. "Let's go, Molly. I'll see you two later." You wave at John who was smiling and Sherlock who was smirking. You look at Anderson who's mouth was wide open. "Close your mouth, Anderson, you'll attract the flies," you then walk out. A huge a smile on your face.



Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now