Chapter 23 - A New Case

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Now I'm not a fan of The Hounds of Baskerville so in place of it will be a new case inspired by a one-shot I remember reading.


"You want me?" Lestrade had given Sherlock a case which involved undercover work. The whole team was on it; You, Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Anderson, and Donovan. Yay? It was a drug case that was given to Sherlock last week. Sherlock had tracked a message and you helped decode it, it was great until you read the message, however. 

"Yes," It was a masquerade ball. At Windsor. In two days... So now you have to find a dress and get ready for snobby women, drug lords, Anderson and Donovan under one roof... GREAT!

"Fine! But I expect over time," You grouse, walking out the office you head to Baker Street to find out as much as you could about this ball

~Next day~

You brought Molly over to go shopping for a dress. For your first and only ball, you hoped to look your very best. Walking down the street you and Molly entered a lovely store, dresses of all sorts of colors lined the edges. "Look at this!" Molly squealed as she took a turquoise dress off the rack.

"That's beautiful! Look at this one," For what were hours you spent in the store felt like a few minutes. Finally, you had chosen a green laced dress which matched the mask you had bought. Molly helped you bring it to the flat and couldn't wait to pair it with the mask. You slipped out your clothes and into the dress, you put on the mask, looking yourself in the mirror while Molly squealed.

"Oh, Y/n, you look amazing! I can barely recognize you!" You ruffled the satin and puffed it a bit before deciding to take it off.

"Would you like some hot cocoa?" She nods sitting down on the couch, flipping through channels. You sat next to her, cocoa in hand watching F/M.




Question of the day:

What's your fave candy?

Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now