Chapter 32 - 2 years

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"Two years!" John shouted. "Two years we thought you were... dead," he sighs in frustration. The three of them were standing outside the deli, with Sherlock's nose bleeding. "You know the damage that did?! To me?! To Mrs Hudson?! To Y/n?! For gods sake, Sherlock! She's insane now!"

"John!" Mary whisper shouted.

"What?! It's true! She won't take medication! And she's convinced whiskey is tea! And it's all because of you!" John storms off, leaving Sherlock speechless.

"He'll come around," Mary pats Sherlock's shoulder and leaves to go in the taxi with John. Sherlock stood, tending to his bloody nose, deciding it was best to go to Baker Street.


You didn't expect him to be real this time. Not this time. You thought it was your brain playing tricks... Oh, how wrong you were.


You heard the door open and threw a biscuit at the door. "Tom? Is that you? Or is It John?" You didn't hear a reply so you thought it was just your brain tricking you again. "What a waste of a biscuit!" You grabbed another teapot and filled it up with "tea". "No, of course, you can have some, White Rabbit, we can play croquet later," You grab three cups off the table and stack them up and start to pour tea from the top. You look up and see Sherlock standing there with a monotone look. "Sherlock! Come for tea? Is Jim here?"


"I know, I know you're not real and no I won't take the medication. Now sit,"

"Y/n... It's me, I'm not dead..." He places his hand on the chair opposite you.

"Ha ha very funny," You continue to over pour the tea.

"I'm serious," You saw a look in his eyes that seemed too real. Was he really alive? You drop the teapot and rush over. You slowly bring your hand up to his cheek and touch it, it was warm, not the same cold feeling you always felt, he was alive. Smack! You slap him. "I deserve that,"

"Oh, Sherlock!" You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs giving up on you. Tears fell from your face onto Sherlock's coat. It felt as though your tears could fill a pool and Sherlock held you tight.

"I'm so sorry I left," You accept his apology. It seemed like hours you both sat in silence, with your occasional sniffle. It was silent until you heard a knock, you grabbed a biscuit off the floor and threw it at the door.

"Y/n?" It was Sebastian. "I have new medication but its 7mg! so please no more biscuits," He turns and sees Sherlock, he drops the bag and backs up. "You're- You're alive!"

"Who are you?" Sherlock's eyes narrow.

"Um- I'm Sebastian, a friend of Y/n," He shakes Sherlock's hand and gives you the bag of pills. "We found 7mg pills," you take the bottle and open it up quick as light, you down two pills and sigh.

"Queen! Here is some tea for the pills!" The Dodo bird hands you a cup of tea.

"Thank you," To you it was normal but what they saw, Sherlock and Sebastian, they saw you take a sip of whiskey from a tea cup on the floor. Hatter enters from the kitchen with two trays of biscuits.
You jump onto your feet and snatch the biscuits throwing two at Sebastian which he catches with ease.

"I said no more biscuits!" You giggle and throw a teacup at the wall.

"We must celebrate!" A fair few frogs hop out of the fort and stand up with violins and trumpets. You clap along to the music while Sherlock and Sebastian stare. Seb excused himself and went to the bathroom, which seemed to be the only thing in order. He dialed a number and waited for the person to pick up.


End call

His boss picks up. "Boss, we have a problem,"

"What is it this time," he sighs and bites his lip.

"Sherlock Holmes is alive, and well," he waits for an outburst from his boss but gets nothing... "Boss?"

"SAY THAT AGAIN! Say that again! And know if you're lying to me... I will skinnnnnn you," his Boss hisses. Seb gulps and stutters, trying to get words out.

"Um- yes sir, Sherlock Holmes is alive," he hears a gunshot at the other end of the line and waits.

"Get ready, tiger, Jim Moriarty is coming back," Sebastian expects that the call ended.

"Always so dramatic," he sighs.

"What was that?!" He hears Jim shout from the other end.

"Nothing sir!" Sebastian quickly ends the call and sighs again. He hears a thud and runs out of the bathroom. You were on the floor, passed out.

"What did you give her?!" Sherlock yelled. 

"Just the pills she was looking for!" Sherlock held you in his arms trying to wake you up. You were rushed to the hospital, Sherlock by your side while Sebastian secretly informed his boss about the events that just went down.




Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now