Chapter 16 - Dinner

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That's the dress ^

When you got back upstairs you saw Sherlock passed out on the floor. You slid to his side and checked his pulse as your heart beat faster. Finding a pulse you sigh in relief as you tell John to ring Lestrade. You held Sherlock, waiting for a paramedic, but that was an hour ago. You were now sat on Sherlock's bed dabbing a soaked cloth on his forehead.

"Anything?" You sigh and shake your head. "I'm going to get milk," Johns footsteps faded away, you place the bowl on the side table and lean down, planting a kiss on Sherlock's forehead.


You hear a grunt from Sherlock's room and quickly rush over to see him get up. "No, no, no, no..." You put his arm around you and lead him back to his bed. You help him sit up, "You ok?"

"How did I get here?" He blinks a few times, his eyes focusing.

"Well, I don't suppose you remember much. You weren't making a lot of sense. Oh, I should warn you: I think Lestrade filmed you on his phone" You chuckle and grab Sherlock as he tries to get to his feet.

"Where is she?"

"Who?" You question

"The woman. That woman," You look at him in confusion "The woman. 'The woman' woman!"

You roll your eyes and realize who he was talking about "Irene Adler got away. No-one saw her," Sherlock stumbles over to the open window and looks through it "She wasn't here," Turning around, Sherlock drops to the floor. He drags himself across the floor and peers under the bed as if looking to see whether Irene is hiding under there, then he squints around as if checking that she's not hidden under or behind the wardrobe. "She's not here,"

"What's he doing?" You hear Johns voice behind you as you sigh.

"I have no clue," You left for John to take care of Sherlock for the rest of the morning. (I'm changing the time to fit the storyline)


It was now 6 when you got ready for dinner with Jim. You saw the dress laid out on your bed along with heels. It fit perfectly, its silky black fabric reached to just skim the ground. The heels fit like a glove, its velvet material blending in with the dress. You did your h/c hair up in a crown styled bun and did your makeup. You looked up at the clock seeing it was 6:50 and went down the stairs and saw that Sherlock was up and reading the papers in his chair.

"Good to see you feeling slightly better," You place your clutch on the table next to John's chair. Sherlock folds the paper in half and places it down obviously still a bit dizzy. Looking up, most likely to make a remark, but stop when his eyes land on you. You stand there awkwardly "What? Do I look bad?"

His eyes widen "N-No... It's just um... I think-" He widens his eyes a bit more blinking a few times.

"Sherlock, Mrs. Hudson and I need to-" John's voice fades as he sees you.

"Y/n! Oh, darling, you look wonderful!" Mrs. Hudson claps her hands together as she walks over to take a better look at you. "Reminds me of myself when I was an exotic dancer! Oh have I told you the story when I-"

"Yes, Mrs. Hudson you have, all of them actually," Sherlock says rolling his eyes, drowsily. You chuckle and start to put on your heels. John goes to make himself a cup of tea after excusing himself. You walk towards the window peering out to see that a black limousine had just pulled up.

"Oh! I have to go," You grab your purse and quickly rush down the stairs. You open the door of 221 to see Moriarty waiting at the foot of the stairs. you walk down and trip on the last stair. He catches you mid-air. "Seeing how smooth that was, I wonder if you'd planned that," He smirks and spins you around.

"Maybe," He leads you to the car and closes the door after you get in.


You arrive at a beautiful restaurant, simple yet so elegant. Your heels clicked on the marble floors as you were led through the restaurant. You both were seated at a window table, the lights from the hedges lighting up your faces. A brunette woman with green eyes approached you. "Evening, I'll be your waitress tonight," You see her eye Jim. You both skim the menu and order. "If you need anything else... and I mean anything just call for me," She winks and walks away.

"Am I the only one getting Deja vu?" You roll your eyes

"I think so," He smirks. You heard Partita No.1 play and you close your eyes and smile. "Bach fan?"

"Yes, I love this piece,"

"So... Do... I..." He turns his head to the band playing and smirks.

~Because I am one lazy ass author~
(But we knew that)

"Would you mind accompanying me to see a client of mine?" Jim asks as you walk through the park. The slight breeze sweeping through his hair as you pass under a lampost.

"Why now?" You turn your attention from the path to him. Slowing down just a little bit.

"Well... I want to see how you react to such environments," He lifts his head a bit. "See if you get scared," A grin plastering his face.

You scoff and shake your head. "Scared? You underestimate me, Mr. Moriarty,"

"Maybe... let's see shall we?" He turns a corner and you both walk towards the dark limousine parked perfectly in place.

"Now, tell me about this client of yours," You place down your purse down, sitting back to listen.

"A businessman, Callum Bleue, more commonly known as "Mr. Blue" has owed me sixty thousand pounds for 2 years and now I've come to collect!" He ends his sentence on a high note and turns to you with a smirk "You up for it?"

"Definitely," You smile back and sigh, looking out the window, scanning the dark streets. Mr. Blue... I've heard that before...


WOWIE! Ok ok finally a chapter has been posted thank god!

❤️❤️❤️ love y'all ❤️❤️❤️

Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now