Part 9

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Brendon Urie's POV

I hated the feeling of the sandwich, but my stomach was going to kill itself if I didn't get something in my system. I finished the last bite and looked back at Anniese. She had zoned out and was staring at the windows by the bookshelf, entranced by the shadow it cast. I found myself staring at her features, memorizing the layering of skin on her face, and the pattern that lay on her iris, being reflected by the sun. Her lips were slightly parted as if in deep thought, and a slight white shown through, the small space separating her teeth. Her collarbones showed, not in an unhealthy way, but like you could layer soil inside the crease and plant a flower or two. I hated to admit it, but I was starting to love her and the things she did, the way she walked and moved her lips when she spoke to me. A light tear started to form in the corner of her eye, and she covered her mouth with her hand to try and hide it. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, concerned. 

"I don't know what you mean, I'm fine dude," she half smiled at me.

"No, you're not fine, dude," I looked sternly at her.

"My parents told me if I tried to lie my way out of here, they would beat me to pieces," she said, rubbing at a bruise on her arm. I looked both ways and placed my hand on hers. A deep blush set on her cheeks when I looked her deeper into the eyes.

"I get it, and I'm not leaving before you do," I half smiled as she would, and a full smile plastered her face. I wasn't kidding, I would stay here for years if it meant she would be safe, and she would be mine. I let go of her hand to avoid getting glances and clenched my stomach under the table. Something wrong was happening, I was hungrier than normal, and it was unbelievably overwhelming. The room was spinning again, only this time, I felt something work it's way up that wasn't my blood.

"BRENDON!" Anniese screamed, and I looked at my lunch now on the floor and in front of me. Shit. 

Anniese's POV

I watched in horror as Brendon threw up a second time, the fluids piling onto the ground in front of us. It took him a second before he realized how much he had emptied from himself, and he started crying uncontrollably while staff gathered around. I saw more on the ground then what he had consumed earlier as if he was eating something before that. The only thing I could do as I watched Brendon be dragged away the second time was watch. I hated how much I wasn't around him now, it killed me. 

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, lightly hitting my head against the wall so no one else would hear. Self-harm urges were kind of like dealing with eczema. My problems would scratch my skin from the inside, desperately wanting to fall out of me. I looked down at my older scars, practically inches wide, only a few had gotten stitches, and they were the rare ones I got caught for. A knock on my door snapped me out of the episode, and I practically recoiled when the man from the other day sat down next to me. I wasn't crying, or in need of anything, and he still wanted to sit down. I felt my insides set fire when he put his arm around my shoulder, his hand resting on my breast. I wanted to cry, shout for help, but I knew I was too shocked to do such. He smirked at my submission and continued to explore what he could with his hands. 

Brendon's POV 

I was struggling against the grip of the staff, it felt like they were digging into my arms like some kind of punishment. I started to let silent tears slip out of my eyes when I saw Anniese. Pure horror and shock, with that touch of sadness, just watching me be taken away from her for the second time in such a short period of time. I was dragged back to the hospital like bed I was in last time, and Nicole had a look of concern, but Dallon looked as if he had just won a bet.

"The test's done. We knew if you threw up you definitely had some form of an eating disorder, and you proved our point twice!" Nicole shot him a glance as she kindly handed me some papers. 

"You'll be on q5, and if you do anything unsafe you'll be on arms-length while awake, so just don't mess around and eat your food, I'd hate to see you in hall C kid," I felt like I was spinning in circles, how did things manage to get out of control so fast, and why now of all times? I tried to pull things together, but I was falling apart at the seams trying to grip onto what was happening to me. 


"Can I go back?"

"Yeah, just don't lose those papers," Nicole walked me back. She was silent and fidgeted with her fingers as we approached my track. I paced around the area, Coral reading where Anniese normally would, Matt sitting in the same seat Annise sat on our first day, but no Anniese. 

Anniese's POV

I finally snapped out of my shock, starting to push him off me.

"Stop it you fucking douchebag," I scolded.

"Don't be like that darling, you'll end up on peer boundaries,"

"You're a psycho you know, the way you use the fact we're fucked up quiet anxious fuckers to your disgusting advantage. Now get the hell out of my room and don't walk back in," I practically shouted at him. He smirked and handed me a crumpled paper from his pocket as he walked away. I looked down at the paper.

Peer Boundaries, I couldn't talk to anyone other than staff, I have to stay at least 6 feet away from everyone, and if I broke those rules, I was at risk for hall C, a 1:1 therapy with no other people whatsoever. 

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