Part 8

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Anniese's POV

I walked out of my room, only to find that Brendon was being carried away. His face was as white as a ghost, and the veins on his arm were practically neon against the concentrated vampire like skin. I rushed back into my room, tears streaming from my face. The first thing I thought to do was to cut my wrists again, but I sat in the open closet, letting myself cry. When I started shaking, a psych tech walked into my room, a stern look plastered on her face. She sat down across from me -anger truly flourishing in her pale blue eyes- and began asking me questions. What she said was beyond me, as my crying intensified and a loud static beeping sound pierced my hearing. I watched her lips move, but all I could make out was Brendon. I closed my eyes and rested a moment against the side of the cabinet. When I came back to her, she looked furious. 

"We knew that you hang out with Brendon the most, and we need to understand why he passed out," he was obviously experiencing an eating disorder, and I wanted what was best for him, but I recognize how difficult it must be to be forced to eat every meal when you were originally used to doing otherwise. 

"I have no idea," stumbled out of my mouth, choked on and mixed with snot. She shot a confused angry glance at me.

"If you don't tell us the truth-"

"You just assumed I was lying," I didn't stumble this time, her anger radiating on to me. 

"I did not assume, I know how to read body language,"

"Well then maybe you would've read the fact I was having a full blown panic attack before you stormed in," she squinted her eyes, storming back out and nearly slamming the door behind her. I hid my head in my legs, please let him come back soon.

Brendon's POV

"Blood pressure way below average,"

"Noted," I looked around me, did I leave the mental hospital? 

"Oh good, you're awake," a nurse in purple said. I glanced down at his name badge, Dallon it read, and the other nurse, Nicole. When I looked at my arms I instantly wanted to shove two fingers down my throat and scream. A feeding tube. My breath hitched in fear and I shot my eyes at the ceiling, trying to focus my attention away from the thing.

"Why do I have a feeding tube?" I asked, trying to sound formal but the words came out in a jumbled mess of broken grammar.

"Your blood pressure is some of the lowest numbers I've seen in my career," Dallon said concerned. 

"Well, I'm feeling better now, so I don't need it,"

"That's not how it works, if you don't eat more these episodes will only get worse," I started to panic, flashing images of food in my head, the way the texture ran up and down my teeth, flavor coating the roof of my mouth, it made me want to throw up right there. That's it, I'll just throw it all up, no problem.

"Alright, I guess I didn't realize my light eating would get this far out of hand," Dallon didn't respond and scribbled onto a clipboard as Nicole fidgeted with buttons, reading off numbers. 

"Height and weight?"

"Height five foot nine, weight ninety-eight" I cringed at the four pounds I had managed to gain, my body practically collapsing at the thought. It was better than having to feel the texture of the food in my mouth, scraping against my cheeks like a needle, so I let out my tense breath.

Anniese's POV

The scratches in the wall entertained me, distracting from what was going on. Someone who stayed in the same room reached a breaking point, indenting the wall forever with their emotion. I traced my fingers along the mark, trying to imagine what was going through their head.

"Lunch is here," I jumped at the stranger's voice, quickly collecting myself and standing from the roughly textured carpet. My room was a lot colder than the main area, goosebumps layering my skin as I sat alone and let my mind wander. A familiar figure sat in front of me, and I thought I would break into tears.

"Oh thank god you're okay," I practically jumped across the table to hug him. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, they just overreacted to my passing out and said my blood pressure was too low," I looked down at his wrist, now noticing how tightly wrapped his skin sat against his bone. He had some muscle to him, but not much. I shrugged it off hoping it was natural and swirled my finger along the tray in front of me. I think I felt something more for Brendon. He gave off an energy that was almost angelic, healing in a sense and grasping for me. His looks were nothing compared to his understanding, unlike any man I had met in the unforgiving halls of my worn down school. He was experiencing things I was, recognizing body language and having the capability to catch my fall as I did too. I feel my stomach recoil as I come to the recognization of what I'm feeling. 

"You gonna eat that?" he asks, licking his lips.

"You can have it dork," I smirk and pass him the sandwhich, watching him tear apart the bread and it's condiments. I felt bad. His good soul was torn to shreds, landing him here, and landing him here with me. despite such, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop what was coming. 

I am in love with Brendon Urie. 

(A/N ~ oooooh now that's juicy oWo (kms) anyways thanks for getting this far I promise I have plenty more in store for this story and I hope you guys like what I have so far!)

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