Meeting the babysitter

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Chapter 1

Amber's point of view

I really wish I could find the remote to the TV. I wish for a lot of things, I can't get. Like I wish I didn't have to have a babysitter. My parents don't comprehend I'm fifteen. I can live for four weeks.

They left thirty minutes ago, because my grandpa had a heart attack. My mom thinks her sister needs help taking care of him, so she insisted that she and dad should help. I told her I would be fine not to worry. She called a babysitter anyway. So, I invited my friend Maia over. Not like the babysitter could throw her out, it was my house.

"So, what's her name?" Maia was searching under the couch for the remote. I told her it was my fault I lost it. I was mad and threw it across the room. I was pretty sure it landed on the couch or something. I flipped over a couch cushion. No Remote.

"Well, what is her name?" She repeated sitting down giving up. Looking at me questionably.

"Her names Jen. She lives close to this street. So, they thought it would be a good idea to ask her to watch over me." I walked over to the chair flipping up it's cushion. I found the remote and happily turned on the TV.

"Jen. That sounds familiar... what's her last name?" Maia grabbed the remote from my hands turning the channel.

"I think Miller. She actually should be here soon." I sighed the last thing I wanted was a shadow following me around everywhere. That was what babysitters do. At least she wasn't an old lady, that was a blessing. Maybe she would just leave me alone. I wanted to go to the mall tomorrow. Not like that would happen now.

"You know. I think a girl named Jen Miller dated my brother. She was really irritating and stupid." Of course she would say something like that. She has a judge mental characteristic. This Jen girl was sounding awful. Maybe I could lock her in the basement.

"She sounds just lovely." I said sarcastically. I sat in the chair and watched a crime investigation show that was on. This day was turning out to be horrible.

Maia didn't say anything else. She was probably contemplating about what she was going to do to her. I wouldn't want to read her thoughts. I barley even know what's going on in her head as it is.

I heard someone knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw a brunette with bright blue eyes. With a bunch of carry on bags. "Is this the Johnson's house?" she asked looking me up and down. I was feeling a little self conscious. "Yes. Are you Jen Miller?" I felt I rather ask her questions instead of the other way around. "Yeah." she walked through the door and dropped her bags on the chair. I closed the door thinking she was pretty rude.

"There's two of you I have to watch?" she looked at Maia lying on the couch. "Nope, I'm her friend." Maia said in a low tone.

I walked over and sat next to her. "So, how old are you?" I was throwing questions at her. "Seventeen, have a problem with it?" I shook my head. I already had a problem with her, before I meet her.

"And, you." She pointed at Maia. "Aren't you Luke Smith's sister?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah, why?" Jen laughed. "Don't know what's so funny, but if you have a problem with me. You can just get over it."

It seemed to diminish Jen's laughter. "Get out!" she said not even putting much effort to say much.

"Excuse me?" Maia looked mad, never a good thing. She jumped up off the couch.

"You heard me. Get out. G-E-T O-U-T."

"You can't throw me out of my friends house, you don't even live here!" It was true. I couldn't let that happen. I think I needed her here more than she needed me.

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