Chapter 28 - Princess in Shining Armor

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The book cover is made by Kyle4u 


Chapter 28 – Princess in Shining  Armor


There were very few moments in my life that I wished to delete entirely. And this was definitely was going on to that list. As Chris and me stood gaping at each other Sophie gracefully descended to the floor.

Damn! She was graceful even when falling!


Clearly he had not expected to see me here, but that was stupid considering it was my house?

‘My what?! Rosaline James this is not your house’ my inner voice scolded me in its full fury. Pushing those thoughts aside, I focused on Sophie as Chris picked her and stepped toward to carry her inside.

“Oh no Chris there is no way you are touching my friend and carrying her inside” I stepped blocking his way, determined to stop him, but cringed internally considering his monstrous size and intimidating features. As he gave me a bored look he pushed her ahead to me as though she weighed nothing, trying to put her on my arms. When I stumbled backwards with the weight, he looked at me with the cockiest that mirrored Hamilton’s. Oh yes they were definitely brothers.


Taking Sophie back in his arms he marched ahead into the living room as though he owned the place. He looked around trying to figure out which was the best place to put Sophie down and then decided on couch. There was so much similar between Chris and Hamilton that I was surprised I hadn’t noticed it the first time. There was something about both of them that gave away serious dangerous vibes. Like it was best to stay away from them.

But Chris seemed disgusting and repulsive to me, whereas Hamilton seemed addictive and enthralling, like a drug. You knew it was bad for your health, you knew you might die from its usage, but after getting one taste of it, you are hooked.

I couldn’t believe I had let Chris into the house, after the stunt he pulled yesterday. There was some annoying feminine part of me who wanted to mend the relationship between Hamilton and he brother he so clearly loved so much at a point of time. But then I cursed my stupid female traits for trying to mend everything and anything. 

What I hadn’t realized in my zone out was that Chris in front of me was conveniently taking out his shirt. The moment I realized that, I freaked out, screaming loudly.

“What the hell are you doing?” my voice screeched through the house, as he poked his fingers in his ears trying to protect his ears from the extreme assault. It was good to know that there was some way to freak these Hamilton brothers out.

“I am trying to change the fucking shirt on which your fucking friend threw coffee on!” he roared. I looked at him shocked that he would use that kind of language with someone he had just met. But his expression was quick to change, from one that was annoyed and irritated to looking to do something wrong. The sudden flick in his eyes both scared my wits and made me realize how similar that was to Hamilton again.

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