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"Dude, she fucking left," he said into the phone, his hands shaky and his voice unsteady. "I fucking told you I shouldn't have done it."

"Oh, don't blame this on me, David," Natalie scoffed from the other line, rolling her eyes. "You asked me the way that would have the least amount of conflict, and you agreed with me when I said leaving it with her. This is not my fault."

"She's gone. She took her stuff and Luke's."

"All of it?" Natalie asked for clarification.

"No. Less than half of it, but still. She left the ring, Natalie," David twirled the diamond ring between his fingers, watching it glisten under the sunlight coming in from his window. "She left the fucking ring on the bed. The note says if this is really what you think of me at this point of our relationship, maybe we shouldn't get married. God, what the fuck does that even mean?"

"She did say she hated how insecure you were about the relationship," Natalie shrugged. "I'm not sure I understand what you were expecting."

"Well, I fucking expected her not to up and leave with my child," David snapped, tossing the ring back onto the bed. "If you had this many reservations before I left the prenup, why didn't you fucking say anything?"

"Hey, you're the one that wanted to do it. I told you that she'd sign it if you just talked to her about it, and you didn't want to. I told you what would happen, David. If you're going to keep being an asshole to the one person trying to help you, I'm going to hang up."

"Fine. Hang up, then," David snarkily remarked, rolling his eyes when he heard the three beeps that meant she really did. "Fuck this!"

David tossed his phone across the room, cringing at the noise it made when it slammed into his bedroom wall. He knew she'd be at Aaliyah's, but he couldn't just show up. He didn't doubt Aaliyah's dad's power, and David didn't have very many fighting skills. He'd have to text her first.

He retrieved his phone and confirmed it was, in fact, shattered. Little pieces of glass stuck into his fingers as he began typing.

David: Where the hell are u

David waited for a response, pacing back and forth across his bedroom until he heard a light ding. He snatched his phone off the bed to read what Sloane had to say.

Sloane: we need to talk.

David: Fucking obviously

David: No shit

Sloane: u know what fuck u

Sloane: theres no fucking reason for u to be rude rn

Sloane: u are sooooo fucking childish and immature

Sloane: i dont even know why i try

David: Why u try what??? U didnt try anything!! U fucking left without saying anything

Sloane: U FUCKING LEFT THE PRENUP ON THE FUCKING BEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD who the fuck ......... what the fuck.......... how the fuck............

Sloane: i just dont fucking understand

Sloane: i thought we were over the whole you thinking i was using u for money thing

David: Oh my god WE ARE

David: But the way ur acting about signing a prenup has me thinking differently

Sloane: u are UNBELIEVABLE


Sloane: If u cant see that then i dont think this relationship is going to work

David: So what

David: Ur going to break up with me over a fucking prenup

David: After everything weve been through

Sloane: yes

Sloane: i guess

Sloane: we've been thru this over and over again and theres no resolution

Sloane: u dont fucking trust me and thats okay

Sloane: but our relationship will NEVER work if u think the only reason i love u is because you can support me.

Sloane: and u dont get that. u dont get that id do ANYTHING for u i would do ANYTHING to make you happy i wouldve signed the fucking prenup in 2 seconds if u just asked me to....... but u went behind my back and made me feel so stupid

Sloane: which just proves no matter how good i THINK our relationship is u will never trust me completely

David: Sloane

David: Thats not true

David: I love you and I do trust you

David: Its just really hard for me sometimes

David: I have never been with anyone who wasnt as rich as me and it scares me to think I'm putting my all into someone who could just be trying to take my money and run

Sloane: but like

Sloane: im not

Sloane: and we go over it and over it and over it and it doesnt matter to you what i say or do youre ALWAYS going to think im using u .......... and i just

Sloane: listen i really cant right now

David: Sloane

David: I love you

David: Can you please come home so we can talk about this in person

Sloane: i cant

Sloane: i just need one day to think

Sloane: one day

Sloane: please

David: Okay

Sloane: ill talk to you tomorrow

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