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"I'm going to dye my hair pink today," I told David as I packed my purse to leave. It was his idea for me to leave: he wanted father-son time, and I wanted to stop box dyeing my hair. I wanted to warn him before I came back since I was such a good person and I knew he could film his reaction for many, many views.

"Okay, be careful, love you," David didn't even look up from where he was poking Luke in the belly and watching him laugh.

"That's it?" I frowned. "You're not gonna say no, don't do it or anything like that?"

"No," David shrugged like he really couldn't care less. "You'll look pretty. If it makes you happy, I'm happy."

"Okay," I sighed, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I'm leaving. Corinna, Liza and I may be going to get lunch after, but I'll let you know."

"Have fun, babe," he smiled up at me, then immediately redirected his attention to the now three week old Luke. "Drive safe."

"I will," I smiled to myself, noticing how much David cared about my safety. "Don't kill my baby."

"Our baby!" he corrected over his shoulder just as I shut the door behind me. I knew exactly what David was talking about the other day on the podcast. It was the first time I had left the house since having Luke, and it was very unsettling and unnerving. I almost cancelled my appointment and turned around, but David would hold it over my head as an excuse to stay home all the time, so I journeyed onward.

My hair appointment went smoothly. My hair was finally the dark pink of my childhood dreams, and it wasn't completely ruined, so I thought it was a good day.

my girlies

Me: hey ladies im done with my hair appt are we still eating

liza kosh kosh: yeahhhhhh can we go get mexican

corinna: sounds good to me, el rio in 20??

Me: yes bitches see u there!!!

corinna: hahaha sloane we have a LOT to talk about

Me: uh oh

Me: im ready

Me: and driving so bye guys

The Mexican restaurant was crowded, as always, but the three of us arrived at the same time and sat down pretty quickly.

"I love your hair," Corinna complimented, running her fingers through it. "I kind of looked like a crackhead, but you just look amazing."

"You did kind of look like a crackhead," Liza agreed, laughing when Corinna made a face and rolled her eyes.

"So, what exactly do we have to talk about?" I questioned after we got our drink orders out of the way.

"When you and David are getting married," Liza raised her eyebrows suggestively. Since the baby came, Liza and I had grown especially close, and I never felt threatened by her or wondered if she was secretly longing for David. She was so sweet and a really good friend. "Because it's gotta be coming soon."

"We need some magic in our lives," Corinna agreed with a small laugh. "You've gotta get married."

"Maybe you guys should talk about this with David," I shoved a chip into my mouth to avoid confrontation, and then with a full mouth, added, "I haven't even thought about getting married."

I really hadn't thought about it. David and I were just getting used to having a baby around, and we honestly already felt like a married couple. I didn't necessarily think a license and a title would change anything about our relationship (and I didn't want to change all my social media names), so I really wasn't sure how many "ups" there were for marriage.

"Well, get thinking, bitch," Corinna joked. "We want a big ass wedding. With your aesthetic and David's money, we know it'll be perfect."

"It really is great having a rich boyfriend, huh?" I chuckled, watching the two girls laugh at my joke. "Don't tell him I said that. He gets mad when I bring up that he's rich."

"Why?" Liza asked, eyebrows furrowed. "He is."

"I know, but..." I tried to think about what I said next, just in case they were to tell David. "He has this idea in the back of his mind that I am with him for his money, and I planned to meet him and get pregnant just so I'd have money."

"Insulting!" Corinna gasped, and I nodded vehemently.

"Yeah," I laughed in agreement. "I know. Now I just try not to bring it up, even though half the things he does, he does because he's rich. It's a major part of his life."

"But if you're married, he can't think that," Corinna tried to reason, and I shook my head.

"He'll probably think it more. If we get married, we can get divorced, and then I get half of everything."

"Unless you sign a prenup?" Liza proposed, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not marrying him if he wants me to sign a prenup," I scoffed. It wasn't that if we ever got divorced, I wouldn't give David back whatever he started with. I wasn't evil, and I wasn't a gold digger. "That will only prove more he doesn't trust me, and why would we even get married if he doesn't trust me enough to not divorce him? Obviously, if something ever happened, I'd give him back everything that was his, but I'm not going to marry someone who thinks I'm plotting against them. That's just stupid."

"I see what you mean," Liza nodded like she understood, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. "He should trust you enough and believe in your relationship enough to not want to sign a prenup. I get it."

"I don't," Corinna said. "You sound like a gold digger, kind of. You sound like you're setting yourself up to be a gold digger."

"If I was a gold digger, I would've been a lot nicer to David up until, like, five months ago," I laughed because it was true. If I had this all planned out, I would've been a lot more pleased with the contract, which basically secured me a spot in David's life and a pay check.

"I don't think you're a gold digger," Corinna reassured me. "But I do think you are just looking for an excuse to not want to get married."

"I'm not."

"See, that's what you say, and then you pick something that's pretty normal in the marriage process and say you won't get married if you have to do it," she raised her eyebrows in a gotcha, bitch manner. "So, I'm not seeing it."

"I don't know," I sighed. "I mean, no, that's not the reason I don't want to sign a prenup. I guess I am making up excuses not to get married though."

"Why?" Liza tilted her head in confusion. "David's sweet, you're in love, and you have a baby. It seems like the most logical thing to do from here would be to get married."

"Nothing about our relationship has ever been, or ever will be, logical though," I frowned, shoving another chip in my mouth as a way of eating away my feelings. "It's not that I don't want to ever get married. I just don't want to rush things and end up being angry at each other with a child on our hands. I'd rather take our time before we get into anything legal."

"You got into something legal when you signed the contract," she sipped her water. "But that's none of my business."

"No, actually, it's not," I sarcastically grinned. "Let's talk about you and Todd now, yeah?"

wow kennedy (sloane) with pink hair i am so gay... so so gay

please vote and comment if u enjoyed!! let me know what u think!!! xoxo abby

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