Chapter 1

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Yuka peeked out and looked left then right making sure she was safe to exit. Sighing she walked out and walked around then she remembered she had to gather her stuff. 'I can sneak in now...onii-chan will be at school' Yuka smiled at how she remembered. She ran to her house and opened the door then froze at what she saw. "Yuka!" Satoshi gasped. 'Crap! I guess he hasn't left yet' She scolded herself. Satoshi walked towards Yuka but she backed away as he neared her. "Whats wrong?! Its me! Satoshi" He looked as if he would cry tears of...happiness? sadness? Yuka looked down, then looked back up and at him. Then the door opened and Naomi came in."Satoshi, are you ready to wa-" she trailed off seeing Yuka. Yuka couldnt hold it in anymore and took a deep breath.

"Naomi...Seiko says hi, also she said and I quote 'Tell Naomi she had better get it on with her darling Mochi or else' Also...Everyone says hi and they hope your all alright" Yuka explained as she ran past Satoshi and towards her room. Naomi froze in her spot as tears fell down her face, "S...Seiko!" she whimpered before falling to her knees and sobbing. "Naomi" Satoshi called running to her side. "S-sorry..." Naomi sniffled as Satoshi helped her to the couch. Yuka decided she didn't need anything, it would be to hard to keep up with. She walked back down the stairs and reached for the door. "Yuka!" Satoshi called running from Naomi to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she shivered at his touch.

Yuka felt tears fall down her face but then she ran out of the house. "Ugh! I have to go find her...Naomi will you be ok?" Satoshi asked. Naomi nodded and got up and headed out. "Be careful, also can you tell the others I am going to be late?" Satoshi asked. "Sure! Just don't be to late" Naomi smiled. "Thank you, I owe you one" He grinned back running down the street. Yuka ran back to the alley and hid. "Yuka!! Yuka!!" Satoshi called and she wanted to call out to him but held it back. Soon he passed and she decided to come out. "Oof!" She gasps as she fell back. "Oh dear! I am so sorry!" a kind voice came. "I-it's my fault...for not looking where I was going" Yuka bowed.

"Oh my, it's no problem at all...are you alone?" the kind lady asked. "Yes...I don't have a home anymore," Yuka whimpered as memories flooded back. "Poor, why don't you come with me to my house?" The lady asked. Yuka froze and hesitated, this was the perfect time for Stranger Danger. "U-Umm..." Yuka muttered. "Oh right, I am a stranger hmm, well my name is Herashi Ayoko" the lady smiled kindly. "Don't worry I would never hurt anyone! I have to kids of my own you see" she explained. Yuka nodded and decided to go with the kind woman. She would scream if anything happened.

"Ayumu! Konata!" Ayoko called. In front of them appeared a tall boy that had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Then she turned to see a girl with long blonde hair, but it had big pigtails on the side and a clip to hold up the bangs. She also had blue eyes with green. "What is it mum?" Konata asked. "I found a lost girl, so please introduce yourself while I make us some dinner" Ayoko ordered sweetly. "Hello! It's very nice to meet you!" Konata smiled. "Welcome to our home, what is your name?" Ayumu asked. "Mochida Yuka" she replied bowing her head kindly. "That's a cute name! You can call me Kona for short" she winked at Yuka. "Come on kids! The dinner will be ready soon so please wash up!" Ayoko called from the kitchen. "Must be left overs!" Ayumu smiled happily as he ran to wash up. "Let's go!" Kona nodded.

Corpse Party: Come Home (Sequel to Yuka's Mistake) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now