~chɑptєr fɪftєєɴ~

464 30 4

After taking a shower and getting dressed in an old school t-shirt and a pair of black running shorts, I walked out of my room hesitantly.

I dreaded running into Lily. She's going to be so mad at me and I hate that, but it's her own fault for doing what she did. Naked pictures are on the internet forever. Whether or not the pervert says he's not going to share them, they're still on his phone. All it takes is for him to get mad at her, or vice versa, and he could easily spread the pictures everywhere.

I slid some flip flops on because the floor was covered in sand that we had tracked in after going to the beach.

I decided to sweep it up since evidently my mother was too occupied to do her usual morning cleaning.

I wonder if she was occupied with my sister..

I grabbed the tiny broom and dustpan from the cupboard and began sweeping.

I started in the kitchen, gathering all the sand from the corners of the room, and wondering how the heck sand got all the way there. Side effect of the staying at the beach I suppose.

When I heard my sister's door open I felt my heartbeat increase rapidly. I began fumbling with the broom and I hoped that she wouldn't come in here.

What time is it? I thought to myself.

I glanced over at the digital clock on the microwave.


It's late. Lily probably only got up this late because she's in trouble, and didn't want to face anyone. Similar to my reason except I only didn't want to face her.

When she walked past the kitchen doorway I pretended not to notice her presence, but when she stopped walking and turned towards me I knew I would have to look at her.

I met her brown eyes, puffy from crying and I could only hope that she was crying not from the loss of her Californian pervert, but from being punished.

"Hey." I whispered, barely audible.

"You ruined my life." She said, anger clear in her eyes, and even the way she was standing.

I opened my mouth to speak to her but she had already walked back into her room and shut the door. I considered going into her room to sort this out, but I knew it wouldn't work. We would end up in a screaming match and I knew it.

I swept the sand into the dustpan and dumped it into the trash. I put the broom away, no longer feeling the urge to clean.

I went back into my room and sat on my bed. I felt defeated. I shouldn't feel this way it isn't my fault that Lily did those things. I was right to tell dad. Right?

Would she have told dad if she had discovered the same thing on my phone?

No. She wouldn't have.

I moaned and laid back on the bed dramatically.

I grabbed my phone, checking my messages for the first time all morning.

I had a missed call from a telemarketer and that was all.

Mom and dad are right. I do need friends.

I opened my texts with Lily. We normally only text when she's not at home, or when she wants me to do something for her, but I still felt like reading the messages.

I'm acting like I'm going through I breakup, I laughed to myself.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I'll text her! I'll text Lily, that way she will have to hear me out!

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