L e t t i n g I n (6)

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"Over the course of my life I've encountered no shortage of those who would presume to speak of good and evil. Such terms mean nothing. People do what is in their best interest, regardless of who gets hurt. Is it evil to take what one wants, to satisfy hunger even if doing so will cause another suffering? What some would call evil, I believe to be an appropriate response to a harsh and unfair world." Klaus Mikaelson


His gaze lingered on my face a bit and I smirked his way.

"Mystic Falls had gotten boring." I trailed, smirk still evident on my face. As nervous as I was before, I was at ease now, well as much at ease as I can be with him being around.

"The promise didn't stop you, now did it?" His expression was, smug? He had an idea of the effect he had on me no matter how much I had tried to hide it and it exasperated me.

I just rolled my eyes at him. Rebekah coughed a little, "Well I have to be somewhere so I should get going." With that she sauntered out with her carefree and intimidating persona.

"So how are we doing it?" He said walking towards me slowly, his smirk never leaving, each step's echo resounding through surroundings.

I raised my eyebrows in an interrogative manner.

"Are we going to pretend we are still archenemies or have some drinks and a heart to heart?" He stopped two steps away from me.His expression was nothing but amusing, an expression he wore a lot around me.

"Having a heart to heart? It is highly impossible with a person who knows that you don't have one." This was familiar, a solid ground. I was used to of reminding him of his cruelties every step of the way but that's all it was. The need to hurt him with my words had been long diminished.

"I may surprise you, love." He said with a small smile that made my insides flip. He started walking towards the door and opened it for me. I gave him a beholden smile and exited, him following behind me.

He headed straight to the bar situated downstairs, in a separate room with couches in middle and painting strewn on the walls similar to the ones hung in the main room. The lights were dim giving an eerie locale.

I frowned when he opened a bottle of bourbon and pointed it towards me with raised eyebrows. I declined the offer with a shake of my head because I had no intention of getting drunk or tipsy for that matter.

"A second rejection! I know you are quite fun intoxicated. You are depriving me of that experience  Caroline." He sat on the stool in front the buffet. I walked towards one of the other stool, and sat next to him. He turned towards me and gave me a smirk. His smirks really crept me out sometimes but at the same time made him look sinfully personable.

"Now should I be worried? As far as I can remember, you were willing to trade anything in order to not to be in a fifty feet proximity with me."

I let out a sardonic chuckle and rolled my eyes for a good measure.

" I don't think I need a reason Klaus." My eyes were fixated at the swirling liquid in the glass in his hands.

"Well I would like to say you have a terrific timing love." My eyes shot up to meet his .There it was, the sinisterness at peak. His expression told me that not everything was alright. It never was in his case. He was drowning his fifth shot of bourbon by then.

"And what should I be worried for now?" I frowned. I turned towards him to see him, to really see him because I wanted to, because I was a masochist and because I always wanted to test my limits of self control.

He just gulped down another shot and let out a dark chuckle.

"You are well aware of my tendency to make enemies wherever I go. Aren't you?" A pause ensued and he frowed. He pushed the shot glass away and took a swing straight from the bottle.

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