chapter 6

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Finn held Rachel's hand tightly in his own as they entered the small fancy restaurant. It was Italian and Isabel had assured him that Rachel would love it. 

“This place is beautiful, I’ve never even seen it before” Rachel commented as the maitradee escorted them to their table. It was a small intimate table in the back and Finn already had champagne on ice. 

“It’s lovely” Finn told her “I thought you would like it” he smiled. 

They sat down and perused the menu in silence. 

“So tell me about you, Rachel ” Finn asked her eventually. Rachel was sipping on the expensive champagne and enjoying every moment of her night so far. 

“Well I guess there isn’t an awful lot to tell, I work a lot as you can probably understand and I love to read and write” she explained. 

Finn nodded and smiled encouraging her to continue. 

“I’m from Lima ohio originally” she informed him. 

“Really?” He grinned “So was I small world huh” 

Rachel giggled “Yeah you can say that again”  

Rachel then pulled out her purse and removed the photo. Finn took the photo and stared at the three figures out the front of what appeared to be a restaurant. 

“That’s me, Quinn and Blaine out the front of my parents pirate themed café The Smugglers Cove ” 

“You’re kidding?” Finn laughed “What are you wearing?” he laughed then. 

“Oh those are the uniforms” Rachel blushed. She was only 17 in the photo but she loved the picture so she always carried it around with her. 

“Nice” Finn smirked “that wouldn’t take me long to get off” he added then. 

“Good to know” Rachel smiled and laughed a little when she saw Finn blush, he apparently didn’t realise she could hear his last comment. 

“So Blaine is an old boyfriend?” he guessed. 

“No Blaine in my best friend, he lives in Boston now and I don’t get to see him as much as I would like” she answered. 

“And Quinn is your girlfriend?” he guessed. 

“Ex girlfriend” Rachel replied a slight frown appearing. 

“Sorry, Isabel mentioned her that’s all” Finn cursed himself for bringing her up. 

“So Isabel told you everything?” she asked then, she thought she would but she wasn’t too sure. 

“Yeah” Finn nodded. Their entrée’s arrived then but they continued their conversation throughout the meal. 

“So why did you agree to do this then?” Rachel asked. 

Finn smiled sheepishly “Based on what Iz told me about you I assume you’ve heard about me too” 

Rachel smirked “Seriously Rachel, I don’t have time for relationships so I date casually, I know Isabel thinks I’m a playboy and maybe I am but all the women I date no the score. I take them out, we have a nice time and if I’m lucky I get a great night in bed” he explained. 

“Which is why you were perfect for my situation” she summarised. 

“I guess” Finn shrugged “although I’m very glad that this is one time I let my sister talk me into a blind date” he smiled. 

Rachel blushed “Really why is that?” 

“because if not I wouldn’t be enjoying your wonderful company and I have to tell you that I’m very excited about taking you to bed” he whispered huskily. 

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