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*i changed the cover of this story! tell me what you think of it!*

- 7 Years Later-

Well, now I'm 23! After I got home, the family was allllll over me, I was getting so many calls from Sophia, Claire, and Winnie, you get the idea. It was chaos. Anyways, now I'm an adult. I graduated high school, and finished college, I majored in Theatre Arts. Yep, that's right. At school, I transitioned out of singing and more into acting, and now I run a community theatre, and I love it. I met a guy named Alec... now we're dating, and have an apartment together. I really hope he proposes soon. Oh, and I still have pink hair :)

As for Taylor, she is now 31, married to Harry Styles, and has an adopted girl, Amber, who is 6, and gave birth to twins, James and Hayley, who are 2. They're so cute! Once Taylor married Harry and adopted Amber and had the twins, she got less involved with her career. She recently released an EP, with some remixes and a few new songs. Also, she still occasionally does shows.

The phone rings, and I pick it up. "Hello?" "Hey Nat, it's Taylor. I wanted to know if you and Alec wanted to come over for dinner. Mom and Dad are gonna be there, Austin and Maddie might be coming. Maddie might have to work late so we don't know," she says. Maddie is Austin's wife, and she is like the nicest person ever. "Sure! We'd love to!" I say. "Ok, see you there!"

"Alec!" I call. "What?" he shouts back. "We're going to Taylor's for dinner, go get ready!" I answer. "Ok!" he yells. I go upstairs and take a shower, then go into the bedroom and change. I put on a white sweater with navy anchors on it, then tuck it into navy high waisted pants. Then, I slip into my tan oxfords. For my hair, I blow dry it, then do a side braid.

I go downstairs, Alec is also ready. He's wearing black jeans, a light blue button up shirt, and tennis shoes. "You look nice," I say. "Nice is all I get?" he asks, pretending to be offended. "Yup," I say, kissing his cheek. "Let's go," I say and grab my keys.

We drive to Taylor's house, it's only about 10 minutes away, and when we get there, Amber runs over and gives us hugs. Then, James wobbles over, and I pick him up, and then hand him over to Alec. Alec plays with him, while I walk into the kitchen.

"Heyy!" says Taylor, who is stirring a pot of pasta while holding a crying Hayley. "Sorry about her, she wanted me to play, but I have to cook!" I take Hayley from Taylor. "Oh, that's okay! I'll play with you, Hayley!" I say. Hayley sniffles and claps her hands. "Dress up!" she says. "Ok," I chuckle, and we go into her room.

We play dress up for a little while, then go and eat dinner. Austin and Maddie end up coming, and it's a great meal. After dinner, we all talk for a little while, then everyone starts to head out. "Hey, Natalie, Alec, can Harry and I ask you a favor?" "What is it?" I ask. "We really need a break from the kids, can you take them to Hershey this weekend? We were planning to go as a family...but we're just so exhausted!" says Harry.

"I guess so, what do you say?" I answer, gesturing to Alec. "Free trip to Hershey Park? I say yes!" "Ok, cool! Here are the five tickets, can we drop off the kids tomorrow sometime?" asks Taylor, handing us the tickets. "Tomorrow morning would be great, I think we should leave earlier rather than later," says Alec, and I nod in agreement.

"Ok, see you tomorrow!" says Taylor.

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