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Later that day, I sit at home with Taylor, we are playing Monopoly, when my phone rings.

I check the screen, "it's the school!" I say. "Well answer!" shouts Taylor.

"Hello, this is Natalie Price"

"Hello Natalie,congratulations, you've been accepted!"

"Oh my god thank you so so much!"

"You're welcome, and you'll start tomorrow."

I thank them again and hang up. "Well now you don't have to face Chrissy!" Taylor says. "Yep!" I say. I fall asleep peacefully that night.

Beep beep beep.

I wake up at 6 and literally bolt out of bed. I grab a pair of lacy black tights and pull them on. They are followed by a cobalt blue dress, army boots, and a letterman jacket. I pull my hair into a bun, run downstairs, gobble up my toast and grab lunch money.

I watch tv for the next half hour, then put on my coat and grab my backpack. I walk to the bus stop and realize Chrissy will still be there. Even though I go to a different school now, I have the same stop, and both busses come.

As I expected, Chrissy still has walked over to my stop. "Why don't you stay at your own stop?" I ask. "Because. it's so boring!" she says. She walks up to me and slaps me across my face. My cheek stings where she hit me. "Did that hurt? My bad," she sneers as she slaps me again, harder this time.

Suddenly, my bus pulls up. I start to walk to it. "Where are you going?" Chrissy asks snootily. "School," I mumble, and take a seat next to a blonde haired girl. "Hey, your cheeks are REALLY red," she comments. "She slapped me," I whisper. "Oh. So, she like beats you up?!" she asks, looking shocked. "Yep," I say, leaning back in my seat.

"You should tell her to cut it out," she says. "I've tried, that just makes it worse," I say. "Right. Anyways, I'm Claire," she says. "I'm Natalie," I say. She smiles and we ride the rest of the way in silence.

When I walk into the school, it is utter chaos. People are running around, juggling, acrobatics, playing instruments, there is NO WAY I belong here. "Uhm, I am not this talented," I say to Claire. "I'm sure you are, just be confident!" she laughs and the girl from yesterday, Sophia, runs over and grabs my arm.

"Soooo, how do you like our school so far?" She asks. "I- just got here," I say and she nods. "I'm sorry! I just get so exited when new kids come!" she squeals. The bell rings.

"Um, where's room 202?" I ask her. "Oh, that's right next to where I'm going!" she says. "I'll take you." She takes my arm and leads me to class.

*sorry this is so short.....this chapter is not really done but I really wanted to update.*

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