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The next morning, my alarm hasn't gone off yet, but I'm up. Why? Because Alec decides to jump on the bed and shake me awake. Honestly, sometimes he's so childish, but I love him anyways. "Come on, Nat! Hershey Park awaits us!" "It's 5:37!" I say, checking the time on my phone, "Taylor's not bringing the kids til at least 7:30 or so!"

"Oh well, we're not packed at all, so let's go do that!" he says excitedly. "Ugh, no!" I mumble, attempting to push him off the bed. He grabs me out of the bed and swings me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I yell, hitting his back. "Nope," he says, and brings me into the storage closet with him to grab a suitcase, then back into the bedroom. He deposits me on the floor by my dresser, while he goes into his, and pulls out some clothes for the weekend.

"You only get half of that suitcase!" I remind him. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he says as he finished shoving clothes into the suitcase. I get up, as I need to pack. "We're leaving on Monday, right?" I ask. "Yep," he says, and leaves the room, probably to call and see if Taylor has the kids ready. Yeah right. It's not even 6. I pack for the next 3 days, and then get dressed. I wear a long sleeve skater dress, the top is white lace, the bottom is just white fabric, along with thick black tights, and white oxfords. I put my hair in a bun.

Then, I pack my purse with some money, and other things like my phone, and charger. I grab that and our suitcase and go downstairs. "Ready?" asks Alec. "Um, no. the kids aren't here," I remind him. "We'll go get them on the way then," he says. "Taylor and Harry aren't even up! I can guarantee it!" "Then we'll get them up! I want to leave by 7!" "Fiiiiine," I groan, and we pack up the car and go to Taylor's.

Surprisingly, Taylor answers the door, with a cup of coffee in her hand, indicating she's been up. "Guarantee, huh?" asks Alec smugly. "Shush," I say playfully. "Why are you up?" I ask. "Because I have two two-year olds," she jokes. "Yeah, James had a nightmare apparently. I think he's just exited," she explains.

"Hey James!" I say, kneeling down to his level. "Natawie!" he says, running into my arms. He has Harry's hair, and Taylor's eyes. So does Hayley. "Well, are they packed?" I ask Taylor. "Yep, do you guys want breakfast? Hayley and Amber are still asleep, after all," she says. "No, I think we're gonna eat on the road. But we do want to leave by 7, cuz it's an 11 hour drive. At the moment it's like 6:15, so let's get them up!" Alec says. "Agreed!" I say. "I'll get Hayley, you get Amber," I instruct Alec, and he nods.

I go in Hayley's room and gently wake her up. "Nat...al...ie?" she asks. "Hey sweetie, you ready to go to Hershey Park?" I ask. "Yeah!" she says, jumping up. Wow that kid can wake up fast. "Ok! it's a long drive, so let's put you in something comfy!" I put her into a tshirt and leggings, and we go out to the family room. "Where's Amber?" I ask. "Getting herself dressed," says Alec. "She likes to pick out her own clothes now. Although she doesn't have much fashion sense yet," says Taylor, and when Amber comes out, I have to say that I agree.

"Well guys, let's go!" says Alec, after the kids have said goodbye to Harry and Taylor, and the car is packed. "We have an 11 hour journey ahead, and no time to waste!"

Dreams and WishesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora