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" this looks so beautiful " jimin said as he stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him, jungkook hummed as he looked at him, the two of them were sitting on jungkook car as they stared at the city lights and the stars.

" it's really quiet in here " the boy said as he looked around, " I like it " he smiled as he glanced at jungkook who smiled back, " me too.. I love to come to these type of places.. well.. until I met you " he laughed slightly as he looked at the scenery.

" me..? " jimin said in a questionable tone, " yeah.. I saw you dance that night and I just felt like I needed to be near you? It sounds stupid but I just felt so attracted to you " he said as jimin hummed, " I am lying " jungkook said, a frown took over the boy face.

" your smile.. it was really what got my attention at the first place, the way your eyes glisten while forming as small crescents.. that was.. it still.. so beautiful " he smiled as he looked at jimin who felt taken aback by the taller words.

A giggle escaped his lips as he held jungkook arm feeling embarrassed, " how about we go to the park, I saw one when you were driving " he said as the taller nodded, " let's go, I will take you anywhere you want " he said as jimin smiled, " can we get ice cream too? " he asked.

Jungkook nodded as he got down and helped jimin, the two got in the car before jungkook drove back toward the park they saw earlier, he parked his car somewhere near the gate of the park before pulling the boy to a small convenience store.

" what flavor do you want? " he asked as he reached for the mocha flavored ice cream, " mmm.. is it bitter? " jimin asked jungkook who smiled, " it's ice cream chimmy, of course not " he said as the boy hit his shoulder playfully.

" I want strawberry " he frowned as he took the ice cream he wanted, jungkook just kept smiling as he walked toward the owner to pay for their ice creams, the owner was taken aback by their masks but stayed quiet trying to ignore what doesn't concern him.

The two walked toward the park while eating their ice creams, " maybe it was a bad idea " jimin said as he bit the tip of his ice cream, " why? " jungkook smile turned into a thin line as he looked at the boy, " people are staring.. we look weird eating ice creams with masks on.. " he said before giggling.

Jungkook smiled before nodding, " true.. " he mumbled softly as they reached near the playground, " let's sit on the swings " he pointed toward the two empty swings, " let's go " the taller said as he held jimin hand and walked toward the swings.

The two sat down as they tried moving back and forth but not too fast as they were still eating their ice creams, " There's a lot of stars today " the smaller said as he glanced at the sky, " there is.. " jungkook said as jimin smiled.

" sceneries like this.. always makes me give life a second chance.. even though I am not fine " the smaller said as he kept looking at the sky, " wish time would just stop.. wish this feeling would stay at it is.. but in the end time will just hide this happiness away.. "

" you can't even choose to be happy.. because you will always end up broken.. sad.. lonely.. " he continued as he felt his eyes getting teary as he remembered the events he went through, the taller saw the boy trembling lips as he tried to stop his tears from falling.

Jungkook stood up gaining the shorter attention, he walked toward him and lowered himself as he stared deep into his eyes, " what if you let me help you.. reach that happiness you seek? " he asked as the boy stared back at him.

•Pinkie || JikookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz