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Author Pov.

Jimin walked inside the room to find the same black masked man that kissed him before standing near the music player scrolling through his phone as a loud song was played in the background, he was confused why he preferred to play his own music but didn't question it since his job was to entertain nothing else..

The black masked man turned around to see jimin.. or who he knows as ' chim ' standing next to the door but his hair was messy and he was quiet.. somehow sad? But he wasn't sure since he couldn't see his face.

He walked toward him to see the smaller take a step back, " chim, why are you escaping? " he asked as he took a step closer, jimin smiled and shook his head, " I am not.. " he mumbled softly as he walked toward the pole, he started moving his body gently trying to remember the beat for the familiar song.

" are you ok? " he asked as he turned the smaller, jimin back was now resting on the pole as he looked at the taller eyes, his breath caught in his throat as he stared deeply into the dark doe eyes of the taller, he felt the man hand gently caressing his cheek as he leaned closer.

" are you? " he asked again not forgetting how glossy the smaller eyes were as he stared at him, a tear slipped down the boy eye and disappeared behind the white mask before the boy closed his eyes in attempt to stop any more tears from falling.

Jungkook eyes widened when he saw the boy cry, he was sure now that he wasn't feeling fine but at the same time he didn't know what to do, he felt like he needed to hug him so he just did that, gently wrapping his arms around jimin's body and gently rubbed his back.

" I a..am sorry.. " the smaller mumbled as he cried even harder than he used too, he was so sad the past few days and no one cared.. he had none to begin with.. all he had was yoongi.. and he stopped loving him, he didn't even bother explain anything and just left him.

He knew about all of jimin insecurities but he didn't bother to care about that and just left, and here he was crying his heart out in front of a masked stranger.. who bothered to care slightly and hug him.. even though they just met for the second time.. privately.

Jungkook pulled away and held jimin hand before walking toward the couch to sit with the boy who kept sniffing behind him as he slightly calmed down, even though he was confused he followed the man and sat next to him.

" would you tell me what's wrong..? " he asked as jimin stayed quiet, " we both are wearing masks.. we don't know each other too, consider it the same as venting to a doll or your precious puppy? " he said leading the boy to giggle even though he wasn't really feeling fine.

The desperate tone of the boy made jimin want to open up, considering that what he said was true but he remembered that his job is to lessen the customer stress and not to vent his problems to them, he apologized as he slightly bowed his head.

" sorry.. I was supposed to entertain you.. not cry for no reason.. " he mumbled softly as he lowered his head, " I will jus- " jungkook sighed as he pulled the boy head to rest it on his shoulder, jimin confusedly let the man rest his head on his shoulder as he tightly held his hand.

" just tell me.. whatever we both say, won't leave this room " he added as jimin stayed quiet, " I will vent my feelings to you.. if you do the same.. I need this way more than sexual pleasure.. in all its forms " he whispered leading the smaller to smile.

" so? " jungkook asked as jimin smiled, he softly nodded as he listened to the beautiful melody of the song, he liked that all his songs were meaningful and not just up beat songs, he was trying to think of where to begin but he knew no matter where he start it always messed up.

" I think.. m.. my boyfriend stopped loving me " jimin whispered leading the boy to furrow his eyebrows, " we been dating for a while.. he promised to be there for me.. " he added as jungkook listened to him, even though the music was loud enough to collide with the boy voice.

He enjoyed listening to him, he sounded familiar somehow still new to his ears, maybe it was because of the music that was playing loudly or maybe because he wanted him to be someone else? He wasn't sure.

" can you believe he left me without an explanation..? Just right after making love with me..- " the boy chuckled slightly, " or maybe after just fucking me.. since he doesn't love me anymore.. " he said as more tears welled up in his eyes.

" it's stupid when you believe your life is changing when in reality it's not.. I have been always alone.. having a boyfriend doesn't mean he will always be there.. he won't always love me.. it was just the naive me thinking that maybe finally my life will change to the better.. " he said as jungkook kept looking at him.

His voice was low yet he could feel how hurt the smaller felt, " ten years ago.. my mom left me in an orphanage.. she promised she will pick me soon.. but that was just the first lie before the beginning of hell.. and that really broke me.. " he laughed slightly as he sat up, " and it is happening all over again.. "

" I have been on my own for few years now.. I went through a lot for a while too.. I keep telling customer not to touch me as if I was the purest thing on earth.. yet I have slept with too many people for my whole life.. " he smiled as he glanced at jungkook.

" thinking that I will be loved.. was a stupid thought.. people like me don't deserve love and happiness.. " jungkook was about to interrupt but stopped when the boy continued " in the end here I am venting my broken heart out to some stranger that came to look for pleasure but instead I am just telling him how miserable I am.. " he whispered the last three words as more tears escaped his eyes.

Jungkook didn't know what to say or do so he just pulled him back for a hug, not sure if saying ' everything will be fine ' will even comfort the boy, he felt guilty toward him but theres always a limit to what he could offer to him.

I will try to update the next chapter soon :(?
Maybe a double update if you guys want that?
I am sure 100% you guys will kill me with the next update so yeah.. 🌚 ily guys..

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