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Author Pov.

Jimin woke up to an empty bed, the only warmth he was receiving is the heat of the pillow he was holding instead of his boyfriend, a frown took over his face knowing that the older left way earlier then he used too, it was a habit that yoongi developed while dating him.

He loved to cuddle especially when he was asleep but the older had to leave for work sometimes which lead him to wake the younger who would sometime end up crying when he notice he was all alone, even though jimin got used to being alone again yoongi habit is still the same.

He lazily left the bed and went to do his daily routine after brushing his teeth, his hair was a mess but he didn't want to damage it by showering a lot so he just blow dried it and brushed it to the back before changing his clothes for school.

The boy was really feeling down, he did notice the big change in yoongi behavior but he can't bring himself to talk to him about it, he was too scared to talk about it, what if he decide to let him go? That was just the last thing he wanted to happen.

As he was walking toward his class he noticed few posters hanged on the hallway gaining his full attention, " a dance show.. " he read as excitement started taking over him, he loved to dance and the fact their dance teacher is working on a show gained his interested.

He entered the classroom with a wide smile that lead his eyes to form into small beautiful crescents, jungkook eyes fell on him and couldn't stop staring at the boy, he was really more than beautiful in his eyes yet.. he is not his.. which makes him angry.

The boy closed his eyes as he buried his head on his arms trying to ignore the presence of the happy boy, even though the urge to look at jimin was there, he was fighting with himself mentally just to prevent glancing at him for the second time.

It was now lunch time and jungkook eyes were still on jimin, for some reason he was urgently packing his bag with a wide smile on his face, as soon as he placed his last note book in the bag he rushed out of the class making the boy curious.

Jungkook stood up and followed jimin ignoring taehyung who was calling him, the older entered the school dance studio while still smiling, the taller eyes furrowed as he followed jimin inside trying to figure why he was going there.

He saw jimin bowing to the dance instructor before following her inside her office, as soon as they entered he rushed to the room to hear why jimin was meeting the instructor, " I read about the dance show you are planning for the end of the year.. I was wondering if I could audition? ".

The younger eyebrow furrowed as he tried glancing inside, " oh you dance? " the instructor asked amused, " what type of dance do you do? " she asked as she took a sip of her tea, " Contemporary dance.. but I can dance to hip hop and so on.. " he mumbled softly as she smiled.

" oh ok, well the audition will be next week, I am looking forward to watch your performance " she said as the boy bowed to her, " thank you, I will do my best " he smiled as he pushed his hair back, " see you later miss.. " he bowed again leading jungkook to rush to the door.

Jimin flinched when he heard the dance studio door slam shut, he wasn't sure who closed the door this way but he decided to just shrug it as he kept walking to the door while scrolling through his phone already trying to find a song for the audition.

On the other hand jungkook hid in the nearest room to the dance studio to hide from jimin, the boy wanted to audition for the school dance show that the dance instructor was planning, a smirk took over his face as he got an idea.

He wanted to revenge and he will do it in many ways starting with what jimin want the most at the moment which seems to be this show, he was going to make it hard for the boy and for some reason he doesn't feel sorry at all.

Still working on the next update so..
Hope you enjoy this one

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