Twenty Seven

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One week. It's almost been an entire week since Alex and I broke up and I'm not getting any better. I've been bottling up every damn emotion inside for the past four days. It's been hell. I've tried to be optimistic about the whole thing, and I'm glad I haven't let a single tear fall from my eyes, but at night I just want to break down. I loved him, I really did.

At least for the past days he's respected what I asked of him and hasn't called me nor texted me. It was a huge relief but I leave in three days. In fact, I'm currently packing up my suitcase so that it could be ready by Saturday morning. I leave at exactly ten in the morning that day. I'm ready to leave, to start off fresh in a whole new state without the constant reminders of Alex.

I've talked to Austin lately, he's apologized millions of times for the whole problem but I'm not holding a grudge against him. In fact, I asked him to forgive me for not listening to him. Hey, he wouldn't be feeling guilty if I had listened to him.

This was partially my fault too.

I sighed as I closed my bag and looked out the window. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining brighter than ever, and the birds were chirping away outside. I liked this weather, it always lightened my mood. I laid down in my bed and stared out the window. A few seconds later, my mom knocked on the door silently.

"Hey mom," I sighed. She came and sat on my bed.

"Cheryl we need to talk. You need to let go of that tough act and talk to me. Honey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm hurt..." was all I said.

"I know," she replied. "I've seen it. I see it in your eyes Cheryl. Those smiles that you've been faking, they're not working anymore, your father and I can see right through them. Just talk to me."

"Mom, have you ever been heartbroken?" I asked. I figure if she tells me about her heartbreaks I'll feel better, knowing that things will get better and I will have a happy ending.

"I have been," she said. I sat up to listen to her story.

"Even though your father and I stuck together since we were fifteen, he broke my heart. I remember telling him about my pregnancy, he freaked out. He told me that he didn't want anything to do with me, or you for that matter, and broke up with me. I was absolutely broken. I cried nearly everyday and it kept getting worse from there."

"So what happened?" I asked. "How did you two make it work? How did you get him back?"

"It was love. Although he was upset because we weren't careful, he still loved me and one day he came to my house to apologize and told me that he was willing to raise a child with me. It all worked out in the end," she finished. She shook her head and placed her hand on mine.

"I didn't come to tell you about my problems when I was a teen," she laughed but got serious again. "I just- Cheryl it's not good for you to try and hide your emotions. I know you're broken but you have to let it go Cheryl, tell me, do you still love Alex?"

"I do," I squeaked. She hugged me and I threw my arms around her trying not to cry.

"Let it out Cheryl," she said. "Quit trying to be tough and cry if you need to cry."

As much as I tried not to, I couldn't take it anymore. Once she said that I broke down in tears for the very first time. Every emotion I'd been bottling up for so long, I just let it all out and cried like there was no tomorrow in my mom's shoulder.

"I loved him so much!" I sobbed. "And I miss him like hell!"

"Let it out," my mother encouraged. I continued sobbing into her shoulder, trying to get every bottled up emotion out. It had been too long for me to hold in. I pulled away after a few minutes and wiped my eyes but tears continued to spill, a bit less urgently by now though.

"I just can't believe I fell for his game," I said. "I believed so much lies that came out of his mouth for so long. I mean, why does he need five hundred bucks so bad that he just had to lead me on? I don't get it."

"Do you think that maybe he actually started getting feelings for you?" my mom suggested.

"No," I shook my head. "Alex doesn't care for girls. He uses them and dumps them. He told me himself that he doesn't care about them," I sniffled. I had officially stopped crying and now only had a runny nose. My mother inhaled deeply and looked out the window.

"It's a lovely day out, you should go out for a while to... you know... Forget about things," she said.

"Nah," I replied. "I think I'll just take a nap."

"Cheryl I really think you should go out-"

My mom was interrupted by the sound of our doorbell ringing.

"One second," she said and got up, leaving me alone in the confines of my room. A few seconds later she poked her head through my door.

"It's Alex!" She whisper shouted.

"No!" I squealed and covered my head with my blankets. "I don't want to see him, tell him I'm asleep!"

She nodded and left the room once again. Once she was gone I let out a sigh of relief because I wouldn't have to face Alex. What did he want anyways? To apologize and tell me some story that he made up in the little while we haven't talked to try and convince me to get back with him? Maybe it sounds a little absurd but this is Alex here. He went on for months trying to get me to have sex with him. He's capable of anything... but now that I think of it: he came to my house, to apologize I assume. It has to mean something... right?

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