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"Are you serious?" Austin said as soon as I was seated.

"Sorry?" I apologized. I wasn't sure why Austin was being so protective over me. He has a girlfriend. I'm not implying he has a crush on me or anything but why is he so worried about my situation with Alex?

"Cheryl be honest with me, you like him don't you?"

"Maybe," I blushed. "Just a little tiny bit- it's not my fault! Alex is so attractive and nice and funny, I can't help it!"

"I don't think it's a good idea that you'd date him," Austin argued. "Besides Alex can put up a prince charming act pretty good. He seems like a great guy right now but what if he breaks your heart? He's capable of doing it to anyone and he can do it to you. Just please, be careful with him."

"Austin I'm not dating him!" I laughed. "And I don't plan to. I just said I had a mini crush on him and that's it. I know better than to fall for his little charming act. Chill."

Austin didn't seem convinced with my statement but he turned around to pay attention to the teacher. That means he was done with the subject and quite frankly it made me happy. Talking about Alex made me blush.


I turned to Austin who had a note in his hand. I made fun of him a little. Who passes notes now in days?! However I took it and opened it up.

We need to talk after class.

I nodded at him receiving a small smile from him. He looked a bit uneasy after that and when class was over I walked with him to his next class; choir.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked him as we neared the class. He sighed and looked at the ground. He began to speak up nervously.

"I was going to tell you that Alex... he uh,"

He sighed and looked at me straight in the eyes. He looked nervous. Really nervous.


"What about me?" Alex interrupted from behind me. Immediately Austin's eye grew wide as he looked back and forth between Alex and I. He grew even more nervous that he originally was.

"He- uh- he... has a big crush on you!" Austin practically yelped out. I noticed Alex narrow his eyes at Austin making him nervous. Was this really what he had to tell me? Not possible. Austin doesn't want me ten feet near Alex, why is he suddenly telling me that Alex likes me?

"I'm sure that wasn't it," I replied.

"It- it was, I uh- I just- damn! Uh bye guys see ya!"

With that he scurried out of out sight, pushing past Alex and I.

That was weird.

I hadn't even noticed how tensed Alex was. When Austin was gone he slumped his shoulders.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

"I... I told him not to tell you," he nervously answered.


"Yeah, um I wanted to walk you to your next class. Can I?"

I nodded my head at his request. Alex began telling me some story of something that happened during his last class which I listened to but my mind kept wandering off to what Austin really had to tell me. I just wasn't convinced that that's really what he wanted to tell me. He was too anxious to tell me only that. We stopped in front of my next class and Alex hugged me before walking away. Dammit Alex... I am starting to have a crush on you.


"Mom I'll be going to a friend's house for a project today," I said as I got in the car.

"May I know who's house this is?" she winked. She definitely knew better.

"Yes I'm going to Alex's house! Now please don't tease me for it. I'm already starting to crush on him."

"I knew it!" she squealed. "How do I get there?"

I gave her directions to Alex's house where I was dropped off to work on my semester final for drama class. I was kind of nervous, Lord knows why. When I knocked on the door a middle aged woman was quick to open it up. I was assuming it was his mom but what if I got the wrong house? That'd be so embarrassing.

"Hi.... I awkwardly started. "Is Alex home?"

"Yes he is," she smiled at me. She turned around to call Alex and I was relieved to see him coming down the stairs.

"This nice young lady is here to see you," she said to him.

"Ok thanks mom," he said and came to the door. She smiled at me then disappeared back into her house.

"See? Even my mom likes you," he said and pulled me in making sure to shut the door as soon as I was in the house.

"What makes you think that?" I blushed.

"Well my mom speaks her mind. If she doesn't like you she'd make you go home and let you know that it's because she doesn't like you."

Oh my goodness that's incredible. I found it to be really funny so I couldn't help but laugh at this. At least she liked me.

"So where are we going to work?" I asked Alex. We really needed to get started.

"My room," he replied and dragged me there. I was reluctant to work in his room but his mom's home. He wouldn't try anything with me, now would he? When we got in I started to observe every aspect of his room. It wasn't much to see. The room only had a full body length mirror right in front of his closet door and there were a few posters on the wall.

"Wow, I was expecting you to have a bunch of pictures of yourself all over here," I joked.

"Yeah well maybe I'm not as conceited or self centered as you think," he retaliated.


There was a long awkward silence that followed after that as I stared at every aspect of his room and I'm sure Alex was staring at me. When I faced him we made short eye contact but I turned away. Slowly my cheeks began heating up.

"God, now I'm blushing," I giggled.

"I know. I have that effect on you."

We both laughed but it was pretty awkward. He kneeled down in front of his desk and pulled out his chair, patting the seat. I went to take a seat.

"You sure you don't want the chair? I can sit on the ground if you'd like."

He shook his head at me and began pulling out a notebook.

"So do you have any ideas?" he asked.

"Not really," I replied. "You?"

"Not sure. I was debating wether it should be a comedy or a romance."

"I think a comedy sounds good. A romance skit would involve kissing and I'm not going to kiss you."

"You sure about that?"

"Ok are we here to work on our project or for you to hit on me?" I asked. It was kind of cute the way he kept hitting on me but I needed to focus. Scratch that, we needed to focus.

"Mmm both?" he cheekily grinned.

"You are definitely something else," I chuckled.

"I certainly am."

"Stop. Now let's start brainstorming what we should do."




Lol I'm like trying to trend this on Twitter rn :P

So as I said, here's the next chapter :D

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Bye! X

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