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Alex and I were still in the middle of a heated make out session when we heard somebody open up the backyard door and clear their throats. Immediately we pulled apart knowing that it was Kathy. She didn't look too pleased, but then again who would like to see their children making out like a pair of hormonal teenagers? I sure as hell wouldn't.

"Guys, dinner's ready," she said rather tightly (if that makes any sense) and walked back inside.

"Sorry," I apologized to Alex. It was embarrassing that his mom had seen us kissing like that.

"We'll finish this talk after dinner," he winked, totally ignoring my apology. I nodded however and followed him inside to the dinner table. When we sat down all of the food was already served and they were waiting on us to start eating. Once we sat down everybody started digging in.

"So Cheryl, how old are you?" one of his aunts asked.

Is this woman serious? Do I not look eighteen?

"I'm eighteen ma'am," I replied.

"Oh so you're well aware that Alex here is only-"

"Seventeen." Alex groaned. "Yes aunt she knows."

She cleared her throat hesitantly and sat up straighter. I was feeling a little uneasy at this point.

"Well I think you and Alex are absolutely lovely together," his grandmother spoke up. "I can really tell he likes you."

"Oh yeah I saw that too," Kathy mumbled. She was hinting what she had seen us doing outside.

"Mom!" Alex snapped.

"I am so sorry Kathy," I replied. "I'm very embarrassed that you saw that."

She smiled at me with an apologetic look on her face.

"I guess I'm sorry too," she replied. "I just wasn't too pleased to see you two kissing with such depth-"

"Uhh! So Cheryl why don't you tell us how you two met dear?" his grandmother saved. I let out a sigh of relief after she said that.

"Well we've been going to school together for a really long time. It was around a month ago when he approached me and started talking to me. He just followed me around everywhere and it all just went on from there."

"Do you have any plans for college young lady?" his other aunt asked.

Well then! Let's change subjects like that.

She seemed like she was trying to pick out my flaws but I'm Cheryl Dawson and I hardly have any. I decided it'd be best to win them over by acting just like them. With that thought in mind I sat up straight in perfect posture and started acting 'uptight' as Alex says I do.

"Actually I got accepted into one of the most prestigious schools of theatre in America. I'll be heading off to Boston within eight weeks. I mean, of course I got accepted, I've been getting straight A's my entire life with a GPA over a 4.0, it's obvious that I was going to get accepted."

Her face completely changed from an evil and stern look to a more relaxed one. She was in awe of my intelligence which was exactly what I was trying to get at.

"Well that's magnificent," she smiled. She still seemed a little bit cold but she actually had a smile on her face so I guess this was going to be good.

"Yes it truly is," the other one said. "You've got a very bright future ahead of you."

I felt somebody's elbow lightly nudge me and I immediately turned to Alex who had a sly smirk on his face. He was pleased with my work... and so was I. This evening was going to be great.


"It was so nice meeting you Cheryl!" Alex's first aunt said as she hugged me goodbye.

"Lovely meeting you too," I replied then the other one came to hug me.

"Goodbye Cheryl, I hope to see you again soon? So we could discuss a little more on our beauty treatments?"

Yeah she started warming up to me after I had mentioned something about cosmetics. Apparently she owns a small cosmetics company that's going really good and because she liked me so much, she wants me to work with her. That's where her whole beauty comment came from.

"Of course we can," I replied. We gave each other a kiss on each cheek (you know like really good friends would) then she exited the front door. The last one to say goodbye was his grandmother whom I found to be very sweet.

"I'll be going now. It was very nice meeting you Cheryl. You're a very lovely young lady."

"You're lovely as well grandma," I replied. "And it was wonderful meeting you too."

"Cheryl one more thing," she said and came closer to me. She started whispering to me.

"Alex hasn't had a nice girlfriend like you before. I really like you and I hope you two will stay together forever. Would you like to know something?"

"Umm sure."

"I think Alex is in love with you. He's never looked at a girl like he looks at you."

"Wow," I said stupidly. "Uhh thanks grandma. That's wonderful to know."

"I know sweetie," she said with a wink then walked out of Alex's house. Now it was just Kathy, Alex, and I who were left to clean up. Kathy wanted to clean the kitchen so Alex and I had to clear up the dining room on our own. As soon as we were alone he started teasing me.

"You're just like them," he laughed.

"No I'm not," I replied.

"Yeah you are. Like the way you sit up all perfectly straight and all that then the way you talk with an eyebrow raised when you're showing off and the way you place you hands all delicately on your lap when speaking. That's the shit my aunts do."

"Alex I am not uptight!" I argued.

"Yes you are Cheryl, just accept it."

"I am not," I said lowly as I approached him. Did I mention he looked especially good today and I really wanted to straddle him at the moment? Well as bad as it sounds, now you know.

"You are... but that's fine," he said and grabbed my waist. "I like it."

We were extremely close to each other; our faces were centimeters away from each other's and I could feel my heart racing as his hand slid to my lower back. I really wanted to kiss him.

"Kiss me!" I demanded as I fisted his shirt. "Kiss me now you-"

He cut me off my pressing his lips onto mine rather desperately. As if he'd been wanting to do this since we sat down to eat. I didn't blame him, ever since we made things official that's basically all we've been doing on our dates. Besides that, we just admit to one another that we are actually in love with each other so we needed to share a mildly intimate moment with each other. That is until his mom stepped in to interrupt us again.

"What is it with you two kissing every time you have some alone time? There are other important things in relationships rather than french kissing each other all day. Have you considered that?"

She sounded kind of ticked off which made me feel slightly guilty. I shouldn't be here to cause an annoyance. If I'm going to be here I should act like the decent young lady that I am and show sone respect to Kathy.

"I apologize for the show," I immediately said. "I promise you won't ever have to see us in the middle of one of those again."

"I better not," she sighed and exited.

"What?!" Alex whined as soon as she was gone.

"Hey, I said that she wouldn't see us again. Not that we'd never do that again," I explained.

"Oh..." Alex smirked and grabbed my hand, leading me to the safety of his room. "What about now?"

I made sure to shut and lock the door before I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his torso and starting a really heated make out session.

Alex Constancio's GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora