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Days passed after I told Alex about the whole college thing and he's been making sure to hang out with me more than ever. He says he wants to cherish the moments we still have together before I leave to Boston. I think out of all my friends and people I talk to, I'm the only one heading out of the state for school. Oh and maybe Samantha but that's nothing we're sure of.

Anyways Alex has been taking me to all sorts of places and we've gotten even closer to each other. I like that Alex thinks we have a special bond, because we do, but I think it's about time he asked me to be his girlfriend. We've been seeing each other and practically acting like a couple yet he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. It sort of bothers me but maybe I should wait a little longer. Maybe he'll ask me out eventually. Heck, tonight may even be my lucky night in which he asks me. Why, you may say? Well it's prom night and I'll be spending the entire time with Alex. We're going out to eat at a restaurant then we're heading off to our prom, after that he says he wants to take me somewhere else that's a surprise and maybe (hopefully) that's when he pops the question.

I was still getting ready for prom at the moment. I had on a beautiful pink dress that went down all the way and wasn't too revealing from the chest or back. Sure it was a strapless but I liked that it didn't show too much. I curled my hair as I usually do for special events and added the typical makeup consisting of a golden eyeshadow color, eyeliner on only the top eyelid, mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I was ready. When I was completely ready I went out to my parents who started taking tons of pictures of me. I smiled at the camera while they took the pictures and my phone went off.

From Alex:

I'm outside of your house, you ready?

To Alex:

Come in, my parents are taking pictures :)

I sent the text and soon after I heard a knock at the door. Surely it was Alex who was wearing the tux we went to pick out together and had a corsage in his hands.

"Don't you look handsome?" I said as I kissed his cheek.

"You look stunning yourself," he replied and came in.

"Here," he said and wrapped the corsage around my hand. "I got this one made just for you."

"Thank you," I replied and admired the beautiful flower that adorned my wrist. Now I was completely ready. My parents took a few more pictures of Alex and I then we were off. We ended up eating at Olive Garden where I ate a lasagna and Alex had the typical spaghetti and meatballs. After eating we finally headed off to prom. At the entrance we were asked for our passes which we handed in then we went right into the ballroom. I found a few of my friends here and there as well did Alex but we didn't really plan on talking to them. Tonight was a special night for us. We started off dancing to the fast paced music and let me just say after an hour I was tired as hell so we went to sit down. We went around to talk to our friends for a couple of minutes until we reached Alex's friends. We sat at a table with Zach and Robert but Alex seemed uncomfortable after one of them said:

"So when are you gonna tell the truth?" Robert smirked. Alex gave them a warning look.

"Not now," he said through gritted teeth.

"Come on man, just say it already," Zach insisted. "Say you couldn't do it and that sh-"

"I said to quit mentioning it you assholes!" Alex spat and got up, yanking my arm to go along with him. He stopped walking when we reached the outside. There were also a few people outside but not as much as inside.

"I'm sorry about them," Alex apologized. "They're annoying as fu-"

"Language!" I interrupted.

"As hell, they're annoying as hell," he corrected himself.

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