Twenty Six

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"What the fuck did you guys do?!" I shouted. "Who told him?!"

"Aye man, chill," Zach said. "It was all of us."

"You guys told Michael?!" I shouted and fisted Zach's shirt. He shoved me off of him and just as I was about to charge, Robert got between the two of us.

"Dude you need to calm the fuck down!" Robert scolded.

"Why would you guys tell him?! Are you fucking insane?! Did you not remember I told you, Robert, that the bet was off?!"

The room grew silent and all we could hear was Austin snoring away.

"I forgot man..." he said shamefully. "But seriously dude it was about time she found out."

"She wasn't supposed to find out from you! None of you! She was supposed to find out because of me, and me only!"

"Wait you called off the bet?" Zach asked, confusion clear in his voice. I clenched my fists and did what I was really craving to do at the moment. I punched Robert right in the jaw. He deserved it for ruining my relationship with Cheryl.

"What the fuck was that for?!" he shouted and punched me back. Just as I was about to go off on him, Zach shoved me away from him.

"Will you guys calm the fuck down?!" he shouted. "Both of you! Damn! I don't need you to fucking kill one another!"

I turned away from them and clenched my jaw in anger. I really needed to take it out on someone. There was only one person on my mind: Michael. It was his fault. All of this was his fault. Hadn't it been for him, I'd still have Cheryl wrapped around my arms, kissing her, and telling her how much I love her. With the thought fresh in my mind, I left Austin's place and went in search of Michael. I sent him a text so we could see each other.

To Michael:

Be at my house in ten, we need to talk

By talk I mean, me beating the shit out of him for ruining things.

I sent the text and drove back to my house as fast as I possibly could. A few seconds later my phone went off. It was from Michael.

From Michael:

I'll be there.


I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling, having constant flashbacks of Alex and I. All the good times we spent, all the times we kissed, and most of all every time he lied to me by saying I love you. My stomach started hurting at the thought. I got up and went to look at myself in the mirror because my eyes were stinging. I had tried to not cry because I've told myself a million times before that I would never cry over a guy and I mean it. Boys are stupid, if not there's a perfect example with Alex. My eyes just kept tearing up though, I was way upset. I slightly jumped in surprise when I heard silent knocking on my door.

"Cheryl?" I heard my mom lowly say on the other side of the door. I blinked away the tears and went to open.

"Hey mom," I smiled. It was one of the most fake smiles I'd ever put on but I didn't want her to worry about me.

"Your father left to work and I wanted to talk to you. How come you didn't come home last night?" she asked as she entered my room and sat on the edge of my bed. "Your father and I were worried sick."

"Sorry mom," I said. "I just uh- I spent the night at Aby's."

No way in hell was I going to tell her I spent the night with Alex.

"Cheryl, are you ok?" she asked. "Ever since you walked in this morning, you've had this... sad and empty look on your face, even though you were smiling. Did something happen between you and Alex? Or..."

"Mom I'm fine," I said not wanting to talk about it. "I just feel a little sick that's all."

"Cheryl you can't lie to me," she said. "Tell me what happened."

I hesitated a little, but I decided it'd be best to tell her.

"Mom, Alex and I broke up this morning," I whispered.

"Oh honey," she breathed out and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to come up with what to say without tearing up. She rubbed my back soothingly as I held onto her and buried my face into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. What happened?" she asked.

"He used me mom," I whimpered. "He bet to his friends that he could get me into bed... and I found out this morning through Michael. I believed him mom, every time he said he loved me, every time he kissed me or asked me out on dates. I thought he was genuinely interested in me, but it all turned out to be a bet."

"Cheryl I'm so sorry," she pitifully said. I pulled away and shook my head with a smile.

"It's fine," I said. "I just can't believe I fell for his game... but I'll be fine. I just- I need some space."

"You want me to get you something? Maybe some tea to soothe you?" my mom offered. I shook my head.

"No I'll be fine, thanks," I smiled. She nodded and got up to leave my room.

"Mom?" I said.


"Please don't tell my dad, about the bet I mean. He'll try to murder Alex."

I laughed at that last part.

"Just let him know that we broke up and don't say why. Please?" I asked. She smiled smugly at me and nodded.

"I won't say a thing," she said.

"Thanks," I replied. "I love you mom."

"Get some rest dear. You need some and I love you too."

She shut the door and once again I was left alone in my room. I sighed and buried my face into my pillow. I really needed some rest. At least if I'm sleeping I won't be thinking about all of this bull.

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