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Two weeks. Two weeks of Alex and I hanging out nonstop. After our little date two Saturdays ago Alex and I were going out for the first time and by now we've gone to at least ten dates. We definitely got closer since then (and if you're wondering we've already finished our project too). Two weeks passed quick and after those two week we have three weeks of school left. One in which Prom will be taking place and one for final exams and presentations. After finals: Graduation and no more school for me (unless you count college)! Summer time also means swimming season and swimming season means me being busy tuesdays through fridays. Speaking of which, I'm at the pool for my swim team where we practice but I'm not at practice, I just finished try outs and am currently dressing back into my regular clothes. I was slipping on my shorts when Chloe appeared from the showers.

"Wait for me," she said and started changing. I finished changing and sat on the bench as she started getting dressed. I was silently staring at the lockers before me when Chloe spoke up to break the silence.

"So you and Alex huh?" She asked. It was a rather stupid question but I wouldn't say that to her face. I've been taught to not say anything if I don't have anything nice to say.

"Well yeah... kind of..." I trailed off not knowing what exactly was going on between Alex and I.

"What do you mean kind of? Girl you've got him wrapped around your finger. He's Alex Constancio! Since when does he go on more than one date with girls? Or walks a girl to class? Or even wait for a girl's approval to kiss her? Which he hasn't kissed you by the way because you don't want him to!"

"Alex and I aren't even dating," I calmly explained. "So what if we've gone on a few dates here and there? We go out as friends and although Alex likes me he respects me enough as a friend to not make a move on me when I ask him not to. That doesn't mean anything."

"Alex really, really likes you Cheryl and you need to give the guy a chance."

"He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Oh really?" Chloe cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Well not directly... just kind of hinted it at me once..."

"Aha!" she exclaimed. "I knew it! Just wait, he's going to end up asking you to be his girlfriend and to go to prom with him. I give him until next week."

Prom... I hadn't really considered going with Alex. I had in mind to go with my friends but with Alex? It never crossed my mind.

"How did you come up with prom?!" I asked. "We weren't even talking about that."

"I really don't know how the word prom came up but I'm 100% sure that I'm right," Chloe replied with a slight smirk on her face.

"Well if he does I'd say yes."

"Yes to what? Girlfriend or prom?" Chloe asked.

"Both," I replied. "I just... getting to know Alex more I kind of just have a crush on him. And it's a pretty big crush. I don't know I just like him and I want to be his prom date... or his girlfriend."

I bet you in Chloe's point of view my eyes were glistening because just the thought of Alex made me smile goofily and feel admiration towards him. Like how could he be so kind yet put on that "player" act when people are around. I like that he's himself around me; that's what the look of admiration is for. And I was being completely serious when I told Chloe I have a big crush on Alex. We've been hanging out so much that I appreciate every little thing he does and admire his beautiful features when talking to him. He's on my mind the full twenty four hours of the day (yes literally. I even dream about him.) and whenever I think of him I get excited to see him again. Chloe may say I have him "wrapped around my finger" but I think the one who's whipped here is me. Sadly, I think that's it. Alex might have me whipped.


"Dude you're whipped!" Zach teased while taking a sip from his can of soda. We were having pizza at a local pizzeria and the guys had taken this time to tease me about Cheryl, considering I've been trying so hard to get to her for two weeks already. Two whole damned weeks and Cheryl still has me stuck at the friend zone (although she does kiss me on the cheek every time we see each other, a gesture I've only seen her do to me).

"No I'm not," I replied with a shake of my head.

"Come on man don't lie to us! If you weren't whipped you would've gave up on her long ago but you haven't and you're still after her!" Robert laughed. "She has you like her little bitch. You chase her around everywhere and still you get nothing from her. Just give it up already and admit that you're whipped."

"I'm not whipped!" I argued. "And I won't give up easily! Not with her! Besides... I've got a plan to make her all mine."

I smiled evilly as the idea came up. Honestly it had never crossed my mind but seeing as the guys keep teasing me (all except Austin who always becomes impossibly quiet when the topic of Cheryl comes up) I had to come up with a plan as quick as possible.

"What is it?" Zach asked.

"Well prom is right around the corner you dipshit!" I said and slapped the back of his head. "I'll ask her to be my prom date and on prom night, it's going down."

"Ahh..." Zach and Robert said in unision meanwhile Austin was getting mad. I could tell by the way he wasn't eating (because Austin loves pizza and only doesn't eat it when he's mad) and the way his jaw kept clenching.

"Guaranteed action night!" I smirked and high fived Zach and Robert. That's when Austin had enough and abruptly stood up. Yelling at the three of us while everybody in the pizzeria turned around to see the show.

"Are you guys serioius?! Alex are you freaking serious?! You're going to fuck that girl and not tell her what the damn you're hiding from her?! You're sick! All of you are! Let me just warn you Alex, if you break her heart I'll make sure to break every damned bone in your body! Got it?!"

With that being said (more like yelled) he stormed out of the pizzeria. All eyes were still glued on us and we decided we'd leave instead of having people who don't even know us stare at us. Damn Austin caused a pretty big scene back there. I just hope he doesn't tell Cheryl otherwise she'll end things with me and although I hate to admit it; I really really like Cheryl. I'd hate to have everything I've got going on with her end in a split second because Austin can't keep his mouth shut. If he does talk though, I swear I'll make sure he pays for ruining a good relationship I had with her.

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