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"Oh my God! Alex you look so cute!" I squealed as Alex showed off a top hat he had found at the tuxedo shop. He had already picked out what he was wearing to prom he decided it'd be fun to mess with the accessories they had in here which is why he has the biggest top hat I've ever seen resting on his head. When he put it on I couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness.

"You should wear it!" I exclaimed.

"Um no!" he protested. "I'm not gonna make a fool of myself like that. Sorry beautiful."

"It's ok," I laughed. "So are you ready?"

"Yes I am. Let's go."

We went to pay for Alex's tux, which was really expensive by the way, and headed out. I already had my dress picked out at the boutique; I now had to wait until the beginning of next week to pick it up. Because we didn't have a date set up for today I had Alex drop me off at my house and later I'd be going to my first official swimming practice. He dropped me off at my house, giving me a kiss on the cheek then drove away to Austin's. I guess Austin was mad at him too so he wanted to go see what was up.


After dropping Cheryl off I had plans to visit Austin. He was mad at me because of the whole not telling Cheryl my secret incident but I can't. If I tell her she'll sure as hell break up with me and that's something I don't want. Yeah, I guess when we first started hanging out it was a game to me but now... now I have feelings for Cheryl and Austin needs to know. Especially because he's my best friend and is against my relationship with Cheryl (if you could even call it that).

I arrived at Austin's in five minutes and I was now knocking at his front door. Not too long after he opened up, a look of annoyance on his face.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly. I groaned inwardly. I've been here for a minute and already he's annoying me. Oh well, I guess that's best friend love.

"Well can I come in at least? I have a lot of explaining to do," I replied. He stepped aside and the first thing I did was head into the kitchen to grab some food.

"Is Michele home?" I asked.

"Na, she went out grocery shopping. So what's up?"

"Ok about the whole Cheryl thing, Austin I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry that Cheryl and I happened, I'm sorry she really likes me, and I'm sorry for even trying to go out with her. I know you're against all of this because I can't tell her my secret, but I'm also sorry that I'm not going to tell her."

"So you come apologize to me? Alex this isn't about me, you have to talk to Cheryl and tell her the truth."

"I can't man!" I yelled now frustrated. "I really like her and if I tell her she'll end everything!"

"Well would you rather have her find out on her own?! Because if she does not only will she end things with you, she'll never trust you again and she'll never forgive you... did you just say you like her?"

I stayed silent and looked away. I just confessed to Austin that I like Cheryl. I was planning on it but not like this.

"Alex, you actually like the girl? This is why you can't tell her can you? You're afraid of losing her... you have feelings for her don't you?"

Austin had a look of surprise on his face. He seemed shocked; who wouldn't be? I'm Alex Constancio. I don't date and I most definitely don't get feelings for anyone.

"Yes I do! Ok I said it, I like Cheryl Dawson and yes I have feelings for her! That's why she can't know, please Austin. Promise me you won't tell her," I practically begged.

"Chill man, I won't say anything... and about that, you need to tell the guys before they open up their mouths and tell her," Austin warned.

"No! They can't know about this Austin! They'll never let me hear the end of it if they find out I have feelings for Cheryl! Please don't tell them! Don't tell anyone! This is a secret between you and I, nobody else, ok?"

He didn't respond and I was growing desperate.

"Ok?!" I asked again. He raised his hands in surrender this time which made let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Alright," Austin surrendered. "I won't tell them or anyone else... under one condition."

"What is it?"

"You tell her the whole truth."

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