Twenty Four

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Last night had been one of the greatest things to have ever happened to me. Alex and I had made love and now I was wrapped in his arms, no clothes to cover my body, only a white sheet was thrown on top of us. I listened to Alex's light snores and smiled to myself as I remembered what had happened last night. It was magical, to put it in simple terms. I want to go back and cherish every single moment of it. That's seriously how great it was. Alex was wonderful; the way he dominated me all night long. It all just seemed too good to be true.

I should really get up now...

I tried to sit up but my hips were so sore from last night's events. Instead I lightly shook Alex until he woke up. When he saw me, his eyes gleamed and one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen shone on his face.

"Good morning beautiful," he said and pecked my nose.

"Good morning Alex," I replied.

"How was your sleep? Or did you even get any sleep?" He smirked.

"I did get some rest," I chuckled. "But I kept thinking about what happened last night."

"I know. Me too," he said and began sitting up. Again I tried to sit up but my hips were killing me so I gave up and stared up at the ceiling.

"How was it?" he asked.

"It was wonderful," I replied. "How was I?"

I just had to know, ok?

"Damn..." he said as he bit his lower lip. "You weren't bad... are you sure this was your first time?"

"Alex!" I gasped and covered my face with my hands. I was definitely blushing. Even though it was supposed to be a compliment, sort of, I still felt embarrassed. He started laughing at my embarrassment and tried prying my hands away from my red face.

"I was kidding. On that last part I mean," He said. I slowly lowered my hands from my face.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes you were wonderful," he said and pecked my lips. After that he got up and headed to the restroom.

"I'm gonna shower, ok?" he said to me. I nodded at him and he shut the bathroom door leaving me alone in his room. I started giggling to myself because of Alex's previous comment. It was hilarious really.

I sighed to myself as I officially started to sit up. I finally was actually able to sit up and once I did, I went to grab my things that were thrown on the ground. I slipped on my underwear and put on my bra then went back to Alex's bed. I lay there waiting for him to come out but something caught my attention. It was his phone. It started ringing and I had to give it to Alex but when I grabbed it, it stopped ringing. I set it back down on the nightstand. A few seconds later it went off again, this time a text had been sent to him.

From Michael... Hmm...

"Uh Alex!" I called. He peeped his head out of the shower and looked to me.

"You have a text..." I said. "From Michael."

"Oh thanks," he smiled. "Read it to me."

Quite frankly, I felt honored that he'd actually let me read his messages. Except what I read made me go pale in an instant.

From Michael:

You fucking bitch! I know everything! Zach and Robert told me everything! I swear you better get the fuck away from Cheryl or I'll fucking pound your face! And I'm on my way to Cheryl's house right now to tell her the whole truth, that this was all a stupid bet to get her in bed and she'll dump your stupid ass! You better watch yourself cause after that I'm coming for you...

Ok Cheryl, don't cry, don't cry!

I rapidly blinked away the tears that had threatened to fall from my eyes and instead put on a serious face.

"Ahem!" Alex cleared his throat. "I'm waiting."

I said nothing and got up from his bed. I approached him with anger building up inside of me. I had the temptation to slap him but instead grabbed his phone and handed it to him.

"You better read this one yourself," I said as I mustered up a fake smile. He looked at me with confusion and took it from my hands. I then started picking up my clothes and getting dressed. I had nothing to say really, all I wanted in that instant was to disappear from the face of the earth. How could I be so stupid?! Here I was thinking what Alex and I had done last night was special and it all turned out to be a bet. This was all a game to Alex constancio. It was Alex Constancio's stupid game and I was played like a fool.

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