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"Alex dinner is ready, will your friend be staying?" his mom asked him. She looked at me hopefully but I had to pass. My mom would be here to pick me up any minute now.

"I'm sorry I can't," I said to her. "My mom should be here any minute now."

"Well how about next time?" she offered.

"That'd be great," I smiled. She nodded curtly then left Alex and I alone again. Over the past two hours we had really come up with tons of ideas for the skit.

"We'll have to finish some other day then?" Alex asked.

"Yep, but I'm sure it won't take much time. I think we can finish tomorrow at my house."

"I'll be there," he smiled and walked me out to the driveway.

"You sure your mom was on her way?" he asked me.

"Yea I just got a text from her like ten minutes ago saying she was on her way. She should be here in a bit."

We sat on the pavement and silently stared at the street. Cars came and went but my mom still didn't come into view. It started getting dark and cold; Goosebumps began forming on my arms. Just the sight made me shiver and rub my arms up and down to keep them warm.

"You're cold aren't you?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me. Let me just say his arms around me felt so good. I was getting butterflies in my tummy. I really did genuinely like it.

"Wanna go inside?" he whispered in my ear. Since he was hugging me from the back and his mouth was dangerously close to my ear it probably looked like he was kissing me but it was nothing like that.

"No thanks. Like I said my mom should be here any minute now," I said. He kept his arms wrapped around me until finally the white SUV that belonged to my mother pulled up at the driveway. I immediately separated from Alex making him give me a look of confusion.

"My mom thinks I like you," I explained.


"Yeah... well I gotta go. My house tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. I'll see you around."

We hugged goodbye but when I tried to pull away he held on to me.

"Goodbye beautiful."

"Bye Alex."

He finally let go of me and waved at my mom. She looked really excited when I climbed into the car. She was probably expecting me to give her some juicy details on how this evening went but it was pretty uneventful.

"Soooo?" She began expecting me to talk.

"Nothing happened," I said.

"Cheryl you're a terrible liar! I saw you two and he was holding you from the back with his head on your shoulder! Then he wouldn't let go of you when he hugged you!"

"Ok the hug was because it was getting cold outside and I didn't want to go back inside seeing as you were supposed to be there quickly. Secondly I have no idea why he didn't want to let me go he just didn't."

"Mmhmm," she teased. No, no, no! She can't possibly think I'm with Alex because of one sort of couply-like gesture. That's so lame. Although I am considering dating him... no! What am I saying? Remember what Austin said: He could hurt me.



"Dude you're trying way too hard," Zach teased me as we drove to school. We were already running late because Austin wouldn't hurry the hell up when we went to pick him up.

"Yeah man you need to just drop the idea of being with her," Robert butted in. "Since when do you walk a girl to class? Or practically beg for her number? Come on man, this isn't like you."

"They're right," Austin agreed. "I think you should quit trying."

"No way!" I immediately shouted. "She's just playing a little hard to get but I can make her mine. Besides, it's been two days."

"You should've made out with her by now," Zach replied.

"Like I said, she's playing hard to get but I'm sure she likes me."

"Whatever man just remember that-"

"Yeah I know, I know," I cut Robert off. They sighed then continued to talk about other random things. Things I wasn't interested in so I zoned out. I suddenly remembered Austin trying to tell Cheryl my little secret. I swear if I hadn't appeared he would've told her and all my chances would've ended right there. I should've beat him up for being so nosy.

"Austin before I forget, you better watch yourself," I warned.

"Look man I'm sorry about yesterday. I swear I won't tell her anything. I still think you should-"

"I don't care what you think, Austin. Just stay out of this."

He shut his mouth but I could tell he wanted to argue back. It looked to me as if he was fighting the urge to say something that could cause a serious fight between us. I rolled my eyes then looked out the car window.


I was at the entrance of the school building talking to my friends when Alex slung an arm around me. I hardly acknowledged his presence and kept talking. When he realized I wasn't paying much attention he started getting closer to me until one of his arms was firmly wrapped around my waist. I felt suffocated so I said bye to my friends and walked away with him. Surely that's what he wanted.

"You do realize we're not dating, right?"

"Sadly I know that but I really like you and I wish we could," he replied.

"Alex you're not my type," I said, although I was lying. Well not really but I did have a slight liking towards him.

"Well what is your type?"

The bell to start school rang and all the students who were currently outside started filling up the building. I too started walking in with Alex right beside me.

"Not self centered players like you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to class."

With that I smiled at him before leaving to my first class of the day. For once he didn't follow me which felt good but I had already grown accustomed to him following me around everywhere. God I wonder why I wasn't annoyed of him by now.

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