Chapter Twenty Eight

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Asher's POV

Holy shit. That actually happened last night. I stared into the mirror as I brushed my teeth, glancing up to see Levi doing the same next to me. He noticed me staring at him and I quickly averted my eyes, my cheeks turning red. I didn't know if anyone heard us, no one had mentioned it thus far. We weren't completely silent, it was kinda hard to be, but we tried our damn best. Or well, I did. I spit out the tooth paste and wiped my mouth with my arm, grabbing the plastic cup and filling it with water. "Sorry about your neck." Levi leaned down to whisper in my ear, and I just blushed at that. Glancing into the mirror, you could see a hickey or two on the left side of my neck. If I styled my hair a certain way, I could probably cover them. "Right back at ya." I whispered back to him and Levi chuckled, glancing at his own neck in the mirror. Now, he couldn't hide his own hickey on his lower collarbone. Well, if he wore a sweater.. then I guess he could. "You should wear your hair up," Levi paused as he spit into the sink. "You'd look super cute with your hair up." He winked at me before leaving the bathroom, leaving me alone in here. My face heated up and I quickly drank my water, a smile growing onto my lips.

After leaving the bathroom, I moved over to where Cora sat in the RV. Levi had already moved outside to eat breakfast with the others, barely anyone being in the RV at this very moment. Cora sat on her bed, and glanced up to catch my eyes. "Hey, do you have a ponytail I could borrow?" I asked with a small smile and she quickly nodded, looking down at her wrist. I swear, some girls always had hair ties on their wrists. Then again, Cora always has her hair up in bows, so she's the one to ask. She took it off her wrist and glanced up at me, smiling nervously. "Are you sure about this? It might be better to.. cover up your battle wounds." She said with a shy smile and I blushed, grabbing the hair tie from her. I found it cute she called hickeys, 'battle wounds.' Adorable. "Positive." I shyly said back as I put the hair tie in my mouth, gathering my hair into a small back ponytail.

"Here, I'll assist." Cora said as she stood up, grabbing my hair in her hands. I smiled as she wrapped my hairs up, grabbing the ponytail to tie them in a tight ponytail. She pulled her hands back and I reached back to feel the ponytail, which was quite small. My hair was only shoulder length, so it wouldn't be a long ponytail. "Thanks." I said with a smile as I stepped past her, moving over to the fridge. Cora didn't move in place, she just turned her head around, as if to see if anyone else was with us. "Um.. I heard you two last night." I froze in place as she said that, slowly turning around to face her. She nervously rubbed the back of her neck, not meeting my gaze. "I don't know if anyone else heard.. I know Alura didn't." She said quietly, and I felt horrified, this poor girl. I had just met Cora, and I already made her listen to my boyfriend and I having sex.

"I had just woke up for a brief second, heard you two giggling and.. yeah." She blushed, "Sorry, I'm making this even more awkward then it needs to be." I shook my head at her and waved my hands in front of my face, saying it was fine. "Sorry for making you listen to.. that." I apologized and she giggled a bit, saying it was totally fine. "You were bonding with your boyfriend.. Frankly, that's cute." She had the energy of a mom friend. "Was it.. y'know.." She glanced at me and I blushed more, it being my turn to avert my gaze. "Y-Yeah, it was good.. Well, it was super awkward the first time.." She just nodded at me, smiling to herself. I waited a few moments before opening the fridge, like I had planned to originally. Thank god she didn't point out I had said 'first time.' Levi and I had.. a few rounds, it was embarrassing to admit that. The first round was so awkward, and we were both so out of it because we were trying to make sure the other was safe. We didn't want to hurt the other. So, we tried again, and it was.. much better.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before closing it, turning around to head outside. I noticed Cora get up to follow after me, so I held the door for her. Sat around a campfire maybe fifteen feet from our RV, was everyone else. Hot dogs for breakfast, how yummy and totally on brand for camping. Levi glanced up and his face turned red when he saw me approach, smiling nervously at me. Geez, he was the one who wanted my hair up like this. Maybe his kink was ponytails. You know how some guys get horny when their girl put their hair up, because that's usually what girls do before blowjobs? Yeah, maybe it's that. I stepped over a log and sat down next to him, quickly giving him a peck on his cheek. "Hey." I mumbled and he quietly mumbled it back, my attention being brought away from Levi. "Oh my goodness! You look so cute with your hair up!" Nyx squealed and Violet quickly agreed, which made me laugh a bit. "Ah, thank you. I feel like it makes me more feminine." I rubbed the back of my neck.

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