Chapter Five

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I woke up on time in the morning, which was 'shocking,' as Jasmine said. We had all gotten dressed, and then went to breakfast. Eggs and bacon were for breakfast this morning, which I much preferred to oatmeal. Xavier and Levi were at our table again, already being there when we got there. As I walked back to the table, I noticed Sage sitting at a table with another person. I remembered what I wrote last night and grinned, moving over to his table. "Hi!" I said cheerfully and Sage let out a squeak, looking up at me. "O-Oh, hello.. um.. Asher?" He sighed happily as I nodded, apologizing for briefing forgetting my name. I said it was no problem and I sat down next to him, smiling widely. I glanced at his friend, feeling as if I had seen them before. "Who is this?" Their friend asked with a smile and Sage quickly introduced me, although they had just heard my name.

"Oh! I'm Rowan, hey." They said with a wide smile and I suddenly remembered who they were. "You're in Lola's cabin! Our cabins were paired together for the first day!" I cheerfully explained and they smiled widely, nodding and saying they had kinda ditched our group. They had super long, creamy brown hair and wore thick, black rimmed glasses,  which made their dark green eyes very noticeable. "I was going to offer you to sit with me and my friends sometime.. Both of you can come! We always sit together, for all the meals." I offered with a wide smile and Sage blushed a bit, smiling back. "I'd.. love to, we can start sitting with you guys at lunch." He said slowly and glanced at Rowan, who nodded as well. "Great! See you at lunch?" I said as I stood up, grabbing my tray. "For sure." Rowan replied with a nod and I smiled widely, walking back to my own table. "There you are." Violet said as I sat down. "Here I am!" I replied while doing jazz hands, and heard Levi chuckle at me.

"What were you doing?" Xavier asked and I took a piece of bacon off my plate. "Offering two friends to sit with us." I said simply as I took a bite from the bacon. "Was it witch dude?" Bailey asked after taking a sip from his orange juice. I looked at him and nodded. "Witch dude."  I said and Bailey let out a small squeal, clearly finding Sage cool. I mean, witchcraft was rad. "Which dude..?" Levi said slowly and Bailey shook his head. "WITCH. Like, witchcraft." Bailey corrected him and Levi raised his eyebrows but didn't comment. "And his friend, Rowan." I added and Bailey smiled widely, asking if Rowan was cute. "Total babe, they are a whole damn meal." I replied and Bailey laughed, grinning widely at me. I loved that we could mess around like this.

We kept chatting as a group, breakfast slowly coming to an end. I knew what that meant. "Good luck." Levi said and patted my shoulder as he passed. "I'll be waiting for you by the cabin." Bailey whispered to me as he passed. "Wait! Don't get in trouble!" I said and he just winked at me before walking off. I watched as everyone walked out, leaving me. "Move closer." And there he was, Rocco Doren. He stood in the front of the room, waiting for me to move forward. I stood up from my seat and slowly moved to the front of the room, sitting back down. Mr. Rocco Doren, man he was kinda intimidating. "Mr Briggs, it seems you are quite the troublemaker." He said softly and I huffed a bit, looking away from him. "Is there any reason why?" I picked at the end of my sleeve and rolled my eyes. "I don't want to be here, why would I play nice?" I muttered and heard him chuckle a bit. "You got spunk, kid. However, you will listen to my rules here." He said and I huffed once again. "And if I don't?" I said and looked up at him, freezing as I made eye contact with him. "Asher, you don't know what I'm capable of. I will make you behave." He said in a cold tone, which made me shiver.

"Ugh.." I mumbled and he stepped towards me a bit, staring down at me. "This camp isn't as fun as you wanted a summer camp to be, huh?" I was caught off guard by his sudden soft tone and looked away, saying I knew it wasn't going to be fun. I mean, it's a homophobic camp? Why would it be fun? "Well, it could be fun. If you just behave and listen to what I say." I did not like the way he said that, something about it seemed.. evil, for lack of a better word. "Okay.." I simply said, not wanting to be here for any longer. "You could even go home sooner.." He said softly and I looked at him, quite confused at what the hell he was talking about. "Think about it, Asher." He said simply and reached his hand down to me. I looked around awkwardly before grabbing it, slowly standing up with his help. He smiled at me and suddenly, his grip on my hand tightened ever so slightly. "I hope you listen to what I said. This is just a warning, if you get in trouble again, there will be issues." He said in a smooth voice, before he let go and walked away. I looked down at my hand, which was slightly red. Was that a threat, or am I imagining it?

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