Chapter Fourteen

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warning! mentions of self harm, NSFW content, and a bit of non consent is in this chapter!

Sage's POV

"So, Sage.." Xavier said with a grin and I quickly looked at him, nervously sitting on my bed. "Y-Yeah?" I asked nervously and I took a deep breath, Xavier moving over to me. He sat down next to me and I looked away, my cheeks turning a bit red. He still made me so fucking embarrassed, even when he didn't mean to. "L-Let's talk about Mr. Doren." I said and Xavier frowned slightly, letting out a sigh. "Really, we're talking about him? Fine." He hummed a bit and leant against me, sighing for a few seconds. "As I said previously, Sage. Rocco just wants you to join us." He said smoothly as he moved his arm to grasp my waist, which made me jump slightly. WHAT WAS HE DOING. "All we have to do is tell him whatever he wants, like I previously did with Asher and stuff." I nervously smiled at him and pushed my hair out of my face, asking for more information. "We get free time to do whatever, as long as we tell him whatever he wants. He's quite a nice guy, honestly. I think he actually isn't homophobic, he's just looking to recruit people for some project of his, I guess."

I side eyed my journal and nodded, saying I'm sure he was a nice guy. "It's just.. weird.." I mumbled a bit and Xavier chuckled a bit, saying I would get use to it. "Rocco is nice, I promise. All ya gotta do is tell him information, like I said about Asher and some others. I still have zero clue why he's so interested in Asher, but whatever. Besides, I wouldn't work with him if I didn't like him, and well I quite like him. He likes you too.." Xavier paused and pulled me closer, saying he really liked me as well. Okay, he was super touchy. "T-Thank you!" I stammered and blushed deeply, looking away from him. "Aw, you're so cute." Xavier suddenly said and my face just heated up more, stuttering out a reply. Christ, I was way too nervous and flustered for this. "I-I'm really not that cute.." I tried to say but Xavier just let out a laugh, saying I was 'drop dead gorgeous.'

"I mean, wow.." He said as he moved closer to me, my cheeks being on fire. "U-Uh, you're way hotter!" I blurted out, in a rush of panic. "Oh?" Xavier asked with a grin and I let out a squeal, realizing my mistake. I called him HOTTER, oh my GOD. This is NOT GOOD, that is flirting with the enemy! He seemed amused at my royal fuck up and how I struggled to fix it. I had zero idea why Xavier was flirting with me, it was a lot to deal with. It made me like him, which I did not want. "Oh my goodness, you really are the cutest person at this camp, huh?" He hummed with a cocky smile and I moved my face into my hands, wishing I could disappear. "C-Can we change the subject? Ask me anything else.." I muttered in a whiney tone and heard Xavier chuckle, before he paused for a moment and was quiet. "Alright. Tell me about your life. Like, why you're here and shit." He suddenly said and I tensed slightly, lowering my hands from my face.

"Are you.. sure? My life is kinda.. sad, I guess." I muttered once again and Xavier shook his head slightly, saying he was up to anything. "If it gets too sad, that just gives me an excuse to hug your cute self." I looked away and bit my lip slightly, nodding. "Alright.. Um, well.. I figured out my sexuality and stuff in.. God, seventh grade? Thanks to sites like Tumblr and all.." I took a deep breath. "I know I'm romantically interested in any genders, but I don't.. romantically identify as anything? Never have.." I mumbled and Xavier just made a 'mmm' noise in response. I didn't want to lie to Xavier, he was still scary and could probably sense fear. So, I was just being honest. This may come back and bite me in the ass, but that's.. whatever, I'm use to shit messing up for me. "I had come out to some of my friends, and.. Heh, it didn't go well." I saw Xavier raise his eyebrows slightly from the corner of my eye, saying nothing.

"A few of them.. spread it around. I grew up in a pretty small place, I went to a catholic school too, a very conservative place that pushed the old learnings into the younger kids.." I know not all catholic people were homophobic, but I had bad experiences. "I began to get bullied. Heh, stereotypical, I know." I tried to make humour out of my own pain, but Xavier didn't find that funny. I coughed slightly, my cheeks turning pink, and continued. "It made me, uh, very depressed! As you would assume, having what seemed like the whole damn world against you. I was pushed around, called names.." I paused a bit, looking properly at him. "You know, the usual. Faggot, queer, freak.. Not that queer is, um, that bad. I know some use it to identify themselves, like Asher!" I quickly said and Xavier simply nodded, not commenting once again.

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