Chapter Three

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"Asher!" A voice yelled and I just groaned, pulling the blanket over my eyes to shield them from the light. "Whaat.." I whined out, hearing movement around me. "We're going to be late if your tired ass doesn't get up!" Bailey complained and my eyes widened a bit, quickly sitting up and wincing at the harsh light. "Tansar and the girls are already there! They made me wake you up! I'm hungry, come on." Bailey whined out, being leant against the back wall. I cursed under my breath and quickly stood up, checking out Bailey's outfit. It was quite nice, if I was honest. He wore black jeans and a sweet jean jacket, which showed a dark green shirt underneath. Bailey noticed me checking him out and made a noise, which made me look at his face. "Let's go." I said as I pushed back my hair with my hand, Bailey raising his eyebrows at me. "Uh, are you forgetting something?" He asked with a smile and I gasped, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. "Now I'm ready." I said and he rolled his eyes at me, standing up properly and moving over to the front door.

"If you get in trouble for wearing pyjamas, it's your own fault." Bailey pointed out as pushed the door open and stepped outside, causing me to laugh and follow him. The sun shined bright in the sky, and I could hear birds chirping. We had to get up at seven in the morning, which was just cruel. I followed Bailey over to the mess hall, humming a bit as I walked. Bailey pushed the doors open and walked in, holding the door open for me as well. I thanked him and stepped in, looking around. The mess hall was covered in the type of tables you'd see in a school cafeteria. Then again, this place kinda reminded me of high school. Kids ate and chatted while the counesllors either ate or stood around on watch, I guess. Bailey motioned me over to the food area, saying he were having oatmeal and fruit. "Yum." I said sarcastically and followed him, Bailey saying he quite liked oatmeal himself. He grabbed a bowl and an apple, walking away from me. I quickly grabbed some fruit, ignoring the oatmeal, and followed after him. In my arms I had a banana, an apple, and.. a mango? Yummy. Bailey sat down at a table, sitting next to Violet. I scanned the table, seeing my whole cabin. As well as Alura, Blake, and.. I think her name was Nyx? Jesus Christ, I cannot remember her name. I sat down next to Bailey and began to peel my banana.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Jasmine commented and I rolled my eyes, starting to peel the banana. "I need my beauty sleep." I complained as I took a bite from my banana, Violet giggling a bit. "Something as beautiful as you doesn't need it." Blake said with a wink, which caused me to blush but also roll my eyes. "Too busy thinking of hot guys to sleep." Bailey said with a grin and I elbowed him in the side, glaring playfully at him. "I was not doing that." I mumbled, taking a bite from the banana. "You clearly were." Bailey said and rested his elbows on the table, putting his face in his hands. "Why would I? I like to sleep more than I like men." I said with a sigh, putting my banana peel on the table. "Because you got to see hot guys last night." Bailey said in a sing song tone, grinning as I blushed once again and huffed. "Are you talking about Xavier and Levi? 'Cause, they aree hot." Nyx chimed in and Bailey quickly nodded, saying I 'had the hots for them.'

"I don't 'have the hots' for anyone, weirdo." I mumbled and Nyx snickered a bit, looking at me. "Trust me, they are hot. Xavier is, like, a total heart throb. I don't know much on Levi, he's very quiet. Xavier and him seem clooose though." Nyx said and beamed at us, raising her eyebrows a bit. "I mean, Levi WAS asleep in Xavier's bed when I came back last night, which is gaay." My cheeks burned red as Bailey gasped, looking at me with his mouth hanging open. Now that I think about it.. Levi was asleep in the bed closest to the door, and Xavier answered the door for us, which is what Jasmine did.. as she was the closest to the door. I thought back to last night. We had walked in, began to talk to Xavier, when a groan from right behind him happened. Levi, a shirtless guy, was probably asleep with Xavier, another shirtless guy.

"Whoa! That's lewd!" Bailey gasped and I took a bite from my apple, avoiding my own thoughts on the subject. "Very." Nyx said with a grin and I just kept eating my apple, my cheeks still a red colour. "That was fast." Alura said with a chuckle, Blake saying he was jealous. "Not even here a day and they went at it. Or well, we think." Nyx giggled a lot and took a sip from her water. "Makes sense. I was with you guys, Ellie was probably looking for her girlfriend, so they were alllll alone. And well, I didn't see them in the field area." Nyx said with a grin and Bailey nudged me, but I just stood up. "I'm gonna get a drink, I forgot to grab one before." I said quietly and grabbed my banana peel, ignoring Bailey's comment about 'quenching my thirst' as I walked away. I wonder where Xavier and Levi even were sitting right now, it'd be nice if they joined us for meals. Well, not right now because we're literally talking about them hooking up, but. I walked to the nearest trash can and tossed my banana peel into it, walking back to where the food was. I grabbed a plastic cup and moved over to one of those juice containers with the tap, pressing down on it and filling up my cup. "Mr. Briggs, why aren't you dressed?"

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