Chapter Twelve

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Asher's POV

Something was off with Sage, I could just tell. It was currently dinner time, and Xavier wasn't here, for once. I didn't think much of it, Xavier was always more reserved at meals anyways. However, he wasn't at lunch either. At breakfast, he sat next to Sage for once. It was weird, he always sat across from me at meals. I mean, I'm glad he took an interest in Sage, they were whispering all throughout breakfast, but why? Sage wasn't at lunch either, but he did show up to dinner, about ten seconds ago. It was well into dinner, and Sage now graced us with their prencese. I actually don't know which pronouns Sage prefers, they had said during our hang out that they 'might' be non binary. Sage doesn't seem to mind being called 'he' so I flip between they and he, even in my own thoughts. Rowan seemed worried about Sage, who didn't say a word as they sat down.

Those two seemed quite close, so when Sage didn't say hello back to Rowan? It was a shock. He had just sat down and poked at his food, just quietly eating to himself. I glanced at Levi, who simply shrugged at me. "Where were you at lunch?" I slowly asked Sage, who glanced up from his meal slightly. "I was with Xavier." Sage said in a low tone, and his voice sounded.. not normal, not as happy as his usual voice is. Sage was always more quiet, but his voice was always happy and cheerful, he was usually a happy, shy person with us. "Doing what?" Levi added in and Sage simply said talking together. "What else would we do?" He mumbled and then shoved his fork into his mouth, chewing his food slowly. "You could've been smooching." Alura replied with a laugh and Bailey giggled from next to me, but I was more focused on Sage. I needed to know what was wrong with him. "Where is Xavier now?" I asked Sage, who seemed to stiffen slightly at the question. Odd.

"No clue." Sage mumbled and I exchanged a quick look with Levi, who seemed to share the same thoughts with me. Sage was totally lying, it was obvious. However, pushing him to be honest right now isn't needed, it might just stress Sage out. People began to clear out, dinner starting to come to an end. Sage stood up, his plate still mostly full of food, and walked away from the table. "Hm." I heard Bailey say from next to me and I watched as Bailey stood up, heading to the exit as well. I guess Bailey was going to go and talk to Sage. "I thought you were going to do that, Bailey beat you to it." Levi piped up and I nodded in agreement, saying I was about to get up and follow Sage myself. "Let's hope Bailey can get through to him, Sage seemed quite.. upset." I said with a sigh as I stretched my arms up into the air, slowly standing up. Levi agreed with me and got up as well, starting to walk off with me. "Or, we'll have to talk some sense into him next!" Levi said with a wide smile and I blushed a bit, nodding at him. Levi seemed to see the best out of people, it was his best feature. He was a major sweetheart, and it reminded me what I liked about him. Gay, I know.

Bailey's POV

"Yo, Sage." I said as I grabbed his arm, a small squeak coming from the taller guy. He looked back at me and I saw the cutest caught off guard expression I've ever seen. Huh, I guess I just never noticed how soft he was before. He has a cute face, not gonna lie. "H-Hello!" He said quickly and I smiled a bit, asking him if I could walk with him. "Oh, um, yeah." He said and I moved next to him, being a bit shorter than him. "What's up?" Sage asked me and I looked at him, smiling softly. "Your nerves, apparently. You've been so on edge." I teased and Sage's cheeks turned pink, Sage quickly turning his head away. "Sorry.." He mumbled and I just shook my head, saying it was fine.

"I just want to know what is wrong." I said truthfully and Sage paused his walking, turning his body to face me. "Since when did you care?" Sage mumbled and I was quite surprised by his reply. "Since always? We've friends. I mean, I guess we really don't interact as much as others, but I find you super cute and funny." Sage looked away from me and I grabbed onto his arm. "Come on, Sage. Let's go find a place to sit and chat." I offered and he hesitated for a moment, a quiet 'okay' coming from his lips. My eyes lit up and I pulled him off, Sage stumbling after me.

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