Chapter Six

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Asher's POV

I didn't get a chance to talk to Bailey for the rest of the day, as he avoided me during class and ran off afterwards. So, I made a plan, I would wait until it was late at night to start this I would wake him up, and have a chat with him. Simple, right? 'Romantic,' as the others said. Heh, it was worth a shot. I laid in bed for ages, staring out the window to look at the black night sky. Was it late enough? I sat up and looked over at the others, checking to see if they were awake or not. Violet was snoring quietly and Jasmine looked asleep, so I think it was a go. I slowly stood up and walked to the door, slipping on my shoes. I walked over to Bailey's bed and slowly knelt next to it, raising my hand to shake Bailey's body. After a few shakes, a groan came from him and he rolled over. He lifted his head and blinked a bit, rubbing his eyes. "Is it morning..?" He mumbled sleepily and I shook my head, saying it was still night time. "We need to talk." I said softly and Bailey seemingly froze up, looking around the room. "Um, okay.." He said slowly and moved his blanket to the side.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes once again, standing up. "Remember your shoes." I whispered to him as I walked to the front door, hearing Bailey mumble a response. He slipped on his shoes and I opened the door, the cold air hitting us. I quietly shut the door and glanced around, trying to think of where we could go. The forest might be unsafe for just the two of us, plus it's where he kissed me, so not the best idea. I motioned him to follow me and I slowly walked over to the lake, making sure to move slowly and quietly. I walked down onto the beach and moved onto the dock, glancing back at Bailey. He was currently taking off his shoes, which confused me a bit. He walked over and sat down, letting his legs dip into the water. I smiled widely and slowly took off my shoes, doing the same after pulling up my pants. The water was cold, but it was somehow very relaxing.

The air between us was awkward, and I took a deep breath. "Why?" I simply asked to seemingly no one, as it felt like Bailey wasn't even there. I heard him sigh and noticed he laid back, his legs still in the water. "You're hot." He simply replied and I couldn't help but snort, covering my mouth so I wasn't too loud. I heard Bailey let out a quiet laugh too and he closed his eyes. "Seriously. I just find you hot. Do I want to date you? I.. don't know. However, I do know you don't want to date me." I moved my hand glanced down at Bailey, frowning a bit. " And that's fine." Bailey said softly and opened his eyes to glance at me, making eye contact with me. "Your type is tall men who are in Nyx's cabin." Bailey teased and my face heated up while I quickly looked away, being tempted to shove Bailey into the water. "You know, my last crush was on a guy who didn't date at all." Bailey hummed out and I slowly laid down next to him. "What do you mean?" I asked quietly and heard Bailey exhale.

"His name was Val. He was a senior when I was a junior. I found him.. amazing. He was strong, funny, and we were best friends. Here's the issue though.." Bailey paused and shut his eyes tightly, his face tense. "He was aromantic asexual." I knew what asexual was, that was when you lacked sexual attraction, but the other one slipped my mind. "What's aromantic?" I asked, quite curious, and Bailey sighed. "It's like asexual, but it's about romantic attraction instead of sexual. Basically, he didn't want to date or have sex." Bailey explained and I slowly nodded, feeling bad for Bailey. "I knew this the whole time, I knew confessing was pointless. He would never love me back." My face softened as I heard the sadness in Bailey's voice and I sat up. "Bails.." I said quietly and he looked away from me, sniffing a bit. He didn't want me to see him tear up. "So, I never told him." Bailey finished and wow, it hurt hearing this story. "It hurt. However, I respected his sexuality and choices." Bailey said quietly and slowly sat up, turning his face to look at me.

"I guess I kissed you to have some fun." Bailey said simply, shrugging his shoulders. "I know you told the others." I blushed a bit and scratched the back of my neck, laughing a bit. "Yeeah, sorry." I said with a sheepish smile and Bailey simply shook his head, saying it was fine. We were quiet for a moment, the only noise being some wind and crickets. "So, um." I said, breaking the silence. Bailey stared at me, smiling softly. "Wanna make out?" I said semi jokingly and Bailey let out a squeak, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "What?" He asked and I giggled, shrugging a bit. "Well! We could!" I said while doing finger guns at him, cringing at myself internally. "You want to makeout, on a dock, at an anti gay camp." Bailey spoke slowly, pausing after every few words, his eyebrows raised at me.

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