Chapter Twenty Six

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"How the fuck!" I exclaimed as Levi picked me up, kissing me once again before I could question him again. I knew we were attracting attention at this point, but I wasn't going to refuse a kiss from him. These hot bitches who are homophobic can suck it. "Stop yelling!" Levi whispered to me after he pulled away, doing a twirl as he held me in his arms. "It's kinda hard not to!" I giggled. "Seriously, what are you doing here?!" I asked with a wide smile, sniffing and blinking quickly so I didn't start crying or if sheer happiness. "Well.. Follow me." He said as he placed me down, grabbing my hand in his. I didn't complain, really. He pulled me away from the florist place and to next door, which was a gas station. As we walked, he began heading towards a large RV. "Holy shit." I breathed out as Levi pulled out keys from his pocketing, doing jazz hands at the RV. "What the actual fuck?!" I exclaimed loudly as I threw my arms around him again, Levi letting out a laugh. "Okay, so.. You know my parents?" That's a way to start it. "Um, yeah.." I said softly, feeling better that Levi was still smiling. "They left me a sum of money after they passed away, but they only let me have it once I turned eighteen." He smiled widely. "I'm eighteen now, so.. I used some to take a flight back to Columbus, where I rented this thing and drove here.."

My mind was racing. I could've sworn eighteen was too young to rent an RV, but I didn't even care right now. "You wasted your money on that?" I asked him, looking worried. "Plane tickets cost at least three hundred dollars, and this RV would have costed like.. three hundred dollars a night!" I asked him and he looked away, chuckling a bit. "Um, my parents were.. loaded." He said as he glanced back, his sheepish grin growing. "I'm dating a rich boy." I commented with a smile and he laughed, telling me to shut up. "But seriously.. Why an RV? Couldn't you have gotten a car?" I asked him and he grinned a bit, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. "While a car would fit me and you.. you're not the only one I'm picking up." Levi said with a cheeky smile, and my mouth dropped. "What?!" I asked with a laugh and he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Road trip!" He said eagerly and I let out a laugh, saying he was insane. "Maybe so!" He said as he gripped the keys, clicking the button to unlock the RV. "Come in." He said with a wink as he walked over, getting into the RV. I quickly followed him inside, my mouth gaping at the size of it.

"It fits ten. Wild, right?" Levi said as he walked in, plopping down on the couch. "Holy fuck, Levi.." I said in awe and he just laughed once again, doing finger guns in my direction. He's lucky I was already into his dork ass self. "There's a grocery store down the street, yeah?" Levi asked as he stood back up, and I nodded. "Few minute drive, around fifteen minute walk.." I recalled to him and he smiled, moving into the front seat. "Good! We need food!" He said as he glanced back, asking me to get in the passenger seat. I laughed and walked outside, shutting the side door before opening the passenger seat. "Seatbelt!" He said as he put his own on, waiting for me to do mine. When I finished, he started the vehicle and began to back out. I watched him as he drove to the grocery store, my heart pounding. "Text Violet! She can meet us there, maybe?" Levi suggested and I quickly nodded, pulling out my phone. I quickly shot Violet a text, asking her to meet me at the grocery store to hang out.

"Okay, I should be there in ten." She had replied to me and I grinned, Levi now pulling up to it. After finding a parking spot and getting out, we locked up and went inside. I had told Violet to 'meet me in the milk island,' so that was totally where we weren't going. Levi pushed a cart as he moved down an aisle, grabbing a box of cereal. "Ew." I said as I saw it was Cheerios, and he gave me an offended look. "We need to break up now." He said dramatically as he pushes the cart, and I snorted as I followed. "Dumping me over Cheerios?" I asked him and he giggled, but replied just as dramatically. "Yes! Cheerios are clearly my only love." He said and grabbed a loaf of bread from the shelf. This cute dork. I had gotten a text from Violet when we were looking at hot dogs, saying she was here in the milk aisle. "Come on, I'll walk ahead of you so she sees me first." I said as I got a head start on walking towards the dairy aisle. I arrived and Violet noticed me, waving quickly. She wore blue jeans and a yellow hoodie, it was a look. You know, I bet she would look adorable in a yellow sundress. I waved back and she began to say hello, gasping as Levi appeared behind me.

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