Split Decision

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Scar’s POV

“Hello?” I said into the receiver quietly, not really knowing what to expect from her when I answered.

“Scarlet is that you?” asked a rough but feminine voice from the phone.

I smiled softly as I sat down on my bed, Adrienne scooted over to give me room as I thought of how to reply. “Its me mom. Whats wrong?”

“Nothings wrong sweetie. Ive just missed you,” her voice caught and I felt like she wasn’t telling me the truth. “Im really sorry for how I was then, and for your brother. I should have been there for you guys when you needed me and I never had the chance to be a proper mother for you.” 

“Mom its okay,” I said and closed my eyes. Silent tears slid down my cheeks as I realized how much that I missed my mother. Even when I lived with her not everything was perfect but when she was sober and not running around she was my best friend and I told her everything, I missed that side of my mom. I missed my mother and i’m barely just realizing it.

“I miss you,” I whispered softly as I wiped away a tear that reached my chin. “I miss you so much mom.”

“I miss you too, my little girl. Ive missed you so much and you have gotten so big, so have your brothers. Jared got a writing award the other day and guess what he wrote about,” she said, her own voice thick with emotion.

“What did he write about?” I asked curiously.

She laughed softly on the other line then replied, “he wrote about his big sister. About how she was the best thing in the world and made all of the bad things go away and never come back.”

“He wrote about me?” I asked as I felt the tears come again.

“He always write about you,” she said quietly. “You were a big part in his life, you still are. He has always looked up to you and believes that you make everything go away and makes it better.”

I sat up and pulled out a picture of my brothers, Jared and Nate, sitting down on a bench smiling with their arms around each other. Remembering that day made the tears fall down even more as I held the picture tightly to my chest, remembering how Nate had wanted to go to the park and play on the swings. There was only one that wasn’t broken and Jared let Nate swing while he waited for his turn, they were always the best of friends.

“Mom why are you really calling?” I asked suddenly. “You have never called me before or even tried to call me, so why now?”

She sighed but it quickly turned into a cough, “its nothing dear. I just needed to call you and tell you that I missed you.”

“Mom please I need to know whats wrong,” I pleaded. Something is wrong, I know it and I couldn’t ignore it now. She was my mom, no matter what, and if something was wrong then I needed to know what it was and how to help.

“Sweetie i’m sick,” she said with a deep sigh. “Im very sick. The doctors aren’t sure what it is right now but they are running tests soon and will figure it out, don’t worry about it.”

“How can I not worry about it,” I snapped. “Your sick and you wont even tell me whats wrong. Where are my brothers, does Jared know?”

“Yes your brother knows. Calm down dear. Its nothing to worry about right now, the doctors will figure it out,” she argued. 

I thought quickly and blurted, “i’m coming to visit.” Adrienne’s head snapped up in my direction as those words passed through my lips and she looked confused. “Im coming to visit mom.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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