Chapter 22

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Part Two: Dakota

The first thing I did after leaving Dante's house was pull up alongside the curb of some random neighbourhood street and cry. I didn't do that often; I couldn't even remember the last time besides waking up crying from a dream when I was at Dante's last month. But that was different.

This wasn't just tears lightly flowing down my face because I was upset. This was Kim K levels of ugly crying with sobs wracking my body and my nose becoming so stuffy that it was getting hard to breathe.

I'd never felt so stupid in my entire life as I had in Dante's bedroom. The way he looked at me and the way he spoke to me...I couldn't believe it. I hadn't gone into that evening planning on telling him how I felt, but that's what had happened anyway. A huge part of me wished I'd kept my fucking mouth shut.

Another part of me was glad that it was finally out there even though my chest hurt like hell and I wanted to vomit all over the street I was parked on.

After a while, I got myself back under control, wiping my nose on my sleeve even though it was disgusting; I just didn't have any tissues or napkins in my car. I didn't really care, though, I was just emotionally drained by that point.

I took my phone out of my pocket to see that there was a message from Dakota an hour before that I had missed. I was actually surprised that he'd texted me at all, considering how pissed off at me he was earlier that day.

I clicked on the notification and read the text. Hey, I'm sorry I blew up at you earlier. I hope I didn't ruin your night. Let me know whenever you want to hang out again though

As I stared at the words, I felt a small amount of relief flooding through me. I wiped at my face, scrunching my eyes tightly shut. I leaned my head down against my steering wheel and took a deep breath. I wanted to call him, to talk to him about everything and apologize for what an asshole I'd been to him. But I knew it wouldn't be fair to see him like this. Not right after what had happened with Dante.

So I locked my phone and left it in my lap. I rested my chin on the top of the steering wheel and stared out of my windshield. It was starting to get dark now, the sun setting behind some trees that blocked my view of the ocean that was only a few miles away.

A couple minutes later my phone began vibrating and I was surprised to see that it was a call from Corian. Without thinking, I picked up.


"Hey, Harley. How you doing?"

I shrugged to myself. "Fine, I guess."

"Wanna come to a party tonight?"

I thought about it for a moment. It probably was not the best idea. But it sure beat sitting in my car and crying like a bitch all night, and it was a Friday night, after all. So I agreed and got the address to the party.

Twenty minutes later I was driving up a crowded street in one of the neighboring cities. I parked my car and started to walk my way to the house at the opposite end of the block. When I reached it, I walked up the steps and pushed open the front door. I didn't even know whose house I was at, but I had a feeling that most people were in the same boat as me.

As I made my way inside, the music was so loud that I could hardly hear myself think. I heard girls scream from somewhere when the song changed. I guessed they must have liked whatever was playing but I didn't recognize it. It was just another rap song to me; I was horrible at keeping up with new music.

"There you are, you made it!" Corian yelled as I turned into a new hallway. She was standing at the far side of it, people leaning against the walls in between us. I squeezed passed them all and grabbed Corian's outstretched hand. She smiled and I returned it.

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