I saw Hamilton!!

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Guess what everyone!! The other day I saw Hamilton in London and oml was it amazing! All the main characters were the main cast and it was amazing. I cried all the way though stay alive (reprise) and it's quiet uptown.

Jameal Westman was an amazing Alexander Hamilton and honestly made me feel for Hamilton especially during Hurricane and it's quiet uptown which was so emotional and I cried the whole way through lol.

Rachelle Ann Go was an amazing Eliza. I really wanted the actress I saw play Eliza to do her justice (since Eliza is my favourite character) and she did just that. I didn't cry during burn however I really felt the emotion in her voice and the way she sang who lives, who dies, who tells your story? made me cry as I was walking out the cinema.

Giles Terera has such a different voice to Leslie Odom jr so i wasn't sure how much I was going to love him as Aaron Burr but he was incredible. I thought him put so much emotion into it and he is such a good narrator.

Rachel John was very good and she made me love Angelica a lot. She put so much emotion into Satisfied but she made jokes in helpless and take a break which I really like as it made me see Angelica in a different light which I really liked.

Tarinn Callender made me love Hercules more than I already did as I felt like he made him stand out more. Cleve September was so funny as Philip and John Laurens especially during songs like take a break and the story of tonight reprise. Plus his voice was amazing!

Jason Penny-Cooke was an amazing Thomas Jefferson and made me laugh so much. I felt like he played Thomas in a different way to Daveed and I really liked it. I also liked him playing Lafayette but I thought his Thomas Jefferson was better.

Mike Jibson was hilarious! He is honestly my favourite George the third and was my Mam's favourite character. He was amazing and he totally deserved that Olivier award.

Christina Allado has an amazing voice and I really wished I could have heard her sing more as Peggy. I loved her playing Peggy and she made me like Peggy much more than i did. I also liked it when she played Maria but her Peggy was my favourite ahaha.

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