•20~Alexander Hamilton•

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A/n-Meeting Alexander while you are a nurse in the war. I'm back guys!!

Au: Hamiltime


"Y/n! We need you quickly." You heard one of the nurses call from outside the tent you were getting supplies from. You quickly grabbed the bandages you were looking for and then ran out of the tent.

The scene before you was brutal. More than 15 people had been brought back to the medica tent at the same time. As you were more qualified than most of the nurses, you were called to the most serious cases. You searched for the nurse that had shouted for you before spotting her and running over.

A man had been shot in the thigh and was going to bleed out if you didn't do something quickly.
"Put him down in here." You said to the men carrying the poor mans stretcher. They nodded and lay the man down inside of the tent as you followed behind quickly.The man groaned.
"I need a doctor in here!" You shouted loudly before being informed that no doctors were avaiable at the moment as they were on more important cases.
"For God's sake." You cursed under your breath; if you didn't do smething soon, this man would die. After a moment to prepare yourself, you grabbed the equipment you needed to remove the bullet from his leg.
"I'm really sorry, but this is going to really hurt." You stated as best you could. The man looked at you with wide eyes.
"Are you even a doctor?" He said, looking terrified. You sighed and gave him a reassuring smile eventhough the words that came out of your mouth next were not reassuring.
"No, but i'm the next best thing." When you said this, he slammed him head into the pillow next to his head.
"Look, it's either i help you or you die from blood loss. Your choice." He shut up after you said this.

He passed out once you had gotten the bullet out and you then stitched up his wound. The doctor turned up not long after to dress the wound. But thanks to you, his life was saved.

About two weeks after the inccident, you were in the main medical tent and were re-dressing peoples wounds when a man walked in looking for you. You left the work to the other nurses for a moment while you talked to the man outside.

You quickly realised it was the man you had stitched up. He introduce himself properly and you did aswell. He then got to the point.
"I wanted to thankyou. I doubted you but you saved my life in the end." You laughed.
"You were stubborn, but your welcome."
You were about to walk of again but he grabbed your shoulder. You looked at him confused.
"I was actually wondering if I could write to you." You blushed furiously when he asked you that.
"Ummm...of course." You replied trying to stay calm.
"Good." He said, smirking before walking off.

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