•19~Hercules Mulligan•

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A/n: Hi everyone, It took me forever to get inspiration 😂 Enjoy! Btw sorry it's so short



You were awoken by the sunlight creeping through your window. You lay next to your husband, Hercules, who was sleeping peacefully still.

You were about to move to go downstairs when you noticed the big red stain on your white duvet.

"No,no,no." You muttered to yourself examining the stain.

Definitely blood. Your period had come early.

From the commotion, Hercules looked at you and yawned before rubbing his eyes.
"What's wrong?"

"I've bled everywhere so move." You said shoving him off the bed. 

"Oi!" Hercules said, chucking one of the pillows at you before beginning to help you take off the sheets.


You now sat downstairs watching the telly while Hercules was making your favourite meal to make you feel better. Being the sweetheart he is, he had also made you chocolate cake for after.

He came into the room and slid under the soft blankets with you.
"What film do you want to watch?" He said, opening Netflix.
"Marley and me would be good." You said smiling at him. You knew it was his favourite film ever.
He kissed your cheek and put Marley and me on while you both ate your food.

"You're cute." You said, looking at him from the side. He blushed bright yet.
"You're cuter." He replied.

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