•1~Thomas jefferson•

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A/n: My first imagine! You have been warned!! Took my inspiration from a song called Cuddle Up by Catey Shaw. It's really short but I hope you like it! If there's any mistakes, please tell me!❤️

Au: Modern


The snow is falling down outside my window

Your boyfriend Thomas stood in the kitchen trying to cook the meal for Christmas, while you were perfecting the decorations in the front room and dining room. Why did you decide to invite all of your family over for Christmas which happened to be the next day? Sure, Christmas is all about being with family and friends, but you and Thomas were the most unorganised people ever.

The rounds are closed, there's nowhere we can go

You peered around the curtain. Although it was dark outside, you could see the snow coming down outside. The news on the telly started reporting that many of the roads were being closed. How were your family supposed to come over if the roads were closed?

Come here baby, why don't we cuddle up? I wanna cuddle up

"Thomas, come in here and look at this." You called to him in the kitchen. He came in and saw the reports. He also, however, saw you, who was started to get stressed out about the whole Christmas thing.
"Come on." He said, switching the channels over to a Christmas film. "Let's just watch a film. It is Christmas Eve after all."

The fire is burning bright, I'm here in your arms

You lit the fire place and Thomas grabbed you both some hot chocolate. You both sat on the sofa cuddled up.

We'll hide beneath the blankets safe and warm

With the blankets wrapped your bodies, you felt safe next to the person you loved most in your life.

You both fell asleep like that, squished up together on the sofa, knowing that this Christmas was going to be the best.

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