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So these are just my answers but please comment yours too! I'm really curious about everybody else's answers. I had loads of fun doing this! A new imagine will be out on Saturday btw

1.) Who is your favourite character from Hamilton?
Aaron Burr and Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton

2.) What is your favourite song/s from Hamilton?
Ok so I have 3: Who lives, who dies, who tells your story; Wait for it and Burn.

3.) Who is your favourite Schuyler sister?

4.) What song makes you cry the most?
Probably Who lives, who dies, who tells your story or stay alive reprise.

5.) Which character do you think is the most under appreciated?
Probably Peggy because she gets no mentions apart from the Schuyler Sisters so we know like nothing about her.

6.) What was the first song you listened to from Hamilton?
I remember listening to Burn and loving it so it made me more interested in the musical.

7.) If you could play any character, Who would you play?
Probably Aaron Burr because he's in most of the songs and I feel like a lot of the songs he's in I love the most. But if I couldn't play, I'd probably want to play Eliza (because her songs are just the best) or Angelica (because her rapping in Satisfied is amazing).

8.) Which character do you think you are most like?
Probably Aaron Burr (I've literally said him for every question lmao) because I'm observant and I kinda wait for what I want and don't just go for it. (I wouldn't kill anyone though😂)

9.) If you could meet any cast member, who would you meet?
Probably Lin Manuel-Miranda because he wrote it and he's so talented and I think that would be incredible.

10.) What were you confused about when you first started listening to Hamilton?
I didn't know if Hamilton was married to Eliza or Angelica at first because I kept getting them mixed up as I only listened to the soundtrack and didn't really watch videos with them in.

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