Chapter XXXVI

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Y/n's POV

I looked at her with anger in my eyes. "You brought me to a fifth harmony concert."

Emily smiled and put her hands up. "Surprise?"

I glared at her. "What the actual fuck Emily?"

"Okay it's not like I'm taking you to talk to her. We're just gonna watch her."

"Cuz that's not as bad?"

"Yeah pretty much."

I glared at her again. "I hate you right now."

She smiled at me. "No ya don't."

"No," I shook my head. "I fucking hate you right now. I'll love you again later, but right now? I hate you."

Emily contemplated this before nodding. "I can live with that. Let's go." She got out of the car but I didn't move. She walked over to my side and opened my door. "Come on." I shook my head. "Ya see that right there is not an option." She had to practically pull me out of the car and drag me to the entrance. She gave the man our tickets and she dragged me into the stadium. We went to our area which just so happened to be in the front. What was the women planning?

Finally they announced Fifth Harmony and they appeared on the stage. They started to do their thing singing songs and dancing along. I was actually enjoying the music when all of a sudden me and Dinah made eye contact. That's when she yelled into her mic:


What was happening?

Ooooooooooo what's gonna happen? Tell me what you think.

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