Chpater XVI

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Y/n's POV

In our first period class we were sat in the very back. Dinah behind me and Emily to my right. I was trying my hardest to pay attention with everyone practically staring at me. It was kind of annoying. I'm not used to this type of attention. Ya know the one the one where they aren't only paying attention to you to beat you up. It was defiantly new. Everything was going fine until Dinah started to poke my back. I did what I could I to ignore it until it became unbearable. I turned around. "Could you stop?" I whispered.

"Only for a kiss." I rolled my eyes and gave her a kiss on the nose. She gave me a "really?" look. "Seriously?"

"What?" I shrugged. "You told me to kiss you. You never specified where." She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the shirt pulling me in for a kiss. It was short and simple but also amazing. When we pulled away I went back to paying attention only to see the whole class including the teacher staring at us. I put my head down and groaned as my face turned red.

"Ms. Hansen, I'm happy you're joining us today but please restrain yourself from distracting Ms. Y/l/n and doing PDA in my classroom," the teacher spoke.

"Sorry sir," Dinah chuckled.

I picked up my head and turned to Emily. I glared at her when I saw she recorded he whole thing. "This is going on instagram," she stated. I tried to snatch her phone but she yanked it away. "Nah uh uh." She wagged her finger at me. "Instagram." I sighed. This couldn't be happening. Finally the class ended and we headed to math. On the slow walk across campus Dinah was whining.

"We're going so slow!" Dinah whined.

I chuckled. "Well I can't exactly go any faster." She gave me a look that held an idea. "What are you planning?"

"Oh nothing. Just...THIS!" She picked me up bridal style and started to run to the class. Emily laughed and ran to catch up.

"DINAH JANE HANSEN YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" I yelled causing many heads to turn to us. Though of course they were already looking because it was Dinah Jane Hansen.

"NEVER!" She laughed and I couldn't help but laugh along. We arrived at the classroom just as the bell rang.

When the teacher saw us she laughed. I loved Ms. Ledesma. She was young and super chill. "You know what, I'm not even going to ask. Take your seats." Dinah put me down and we went to our seats in the back. We did the lesson and now were just working on a worksheet.

I was working on mine intently when Dinah whispered to me, "Baaaaabeeeeeee."

I sighed. "Yes my love."

"I'm bored. I forget how boring school was."

"Text the girls then."

"Oh yeah they exist." I chuckled at her. "When I'm home sometimes I forget I'm famous. Especially since right now I'm in a school."

"Makes since." I continued my work and she texted the girls. What about, I had no idea.

Dinah's POV

I decided to text Mila.


Walz🙊: What does thee want

Me: I'm bored 😭

Walz🙊: Hi bored I'm Camila

Me: =___=

Walz🙊: 😂
Walz🙊: Since when do you say that
Walz🙊: Wait lemme guess
Walz🙊: Since you met Y/n

Me: =___=

Walz🙊: What

Me: I actually have nothing
Me: I was hoping you wouldn't say that

Walz🙊: Lmao 😂
Walz🙊: So how you doin with that plan of yours

Me: Well I got the people who beat up Y/n in trouble, I'm showing her I love her despite her disability, and we're going on a date today in public

Walz🙊: Ooooooooooo
Walz🙊: Can I come

Me: First of all
Me: It's a DATE

Walz🙊: I can third wheel

Me: SECOND of all
Me: Ur in Miami

Walz🙊: Who says that

Me: Ur Snapchat location

Walz🙊: =___=
Walz🙊: Fine
Walz🙊: I'm in Miami

Me: That's what I thought

Walz🙊: Okay I have to go now
Walz🙊: Gotta hang out with Sof

Me: K
Me: Bye Walz

Walz🙊: Bye China

I looked around the classroom before my eyes settles on Y/n. She looked so perfect sitting there doing her work. She was so focused it was adorable. I took a picture which she didn't notice and posted it on Instagram with heart eye emojis. Man did I love this girl. Wait? Love? Yeah, love. I love Y/n Y/l/n. There was no denying it anymore.

Y/n's POV

I finally finished my work sheet and looked at the clock. I still had twenty minutes of class left. Everyone else was still working including Emily. Dinah just sat there bored. She looked over at me and poked my side. "Baaaaaaabeeeeee."

I sighed getting deja vu. "Yes my love."

"Let's ditch."

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You heard me. That way we can go on our date now. I don't wanna wait."

I thought about it. Should I agree? I mean I've never done that before so it would defiantly be an experience. But I didn't want to get in trouble. I opened my mouth to say no but I think she read my mind because she started to pout. I swear this girl could read my mind. But the pout. Man that pout. I couldn't take it. I sighed. "Fine."

"Yay," she whispered yelled.

I chuckled at her. I raised my hand waiting for Ms. Ledesma do call on me. "Yes, Ms. Y/l/n."

"Can I head to class now so I can make it on time?" I asked.

"Fifteen minutes early?"

"Trust me it'll actually take her twenty," Dinah chimed in.

Ms. Ledesma nodded. "Very well. You may go. Turn in you work."

I stood up with Dinah and met Emily's confused eyes. I mouthed the word date and she nodded with a smile. She gave me a thumbs up causing me to roll my eyes. I turned in my work and we slowly made our way out the class room and down the hall. After five minutes of walking extremely slow Dinah said, "That's it." She picked me up bridal style once again causing me to laugh.

"Dinah!" I exclaimed annoyed but secretly enjoying it. She carried me out the school and to her car.

Once we settled in she smiled at me. "You ready?"

"Nope," I replied honestly. "But I'm doin' it anyway." She started the engine and took off. No turning back now.

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