Chapter XII

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Dinah's POV

"Dinah!" My Mom called to me from downstairs. It sounded urgent so I ran to her. When I reached her I saw her holding a girl in her arms. When I got closer I saw her face. "Y/n?" I asked aloud.

"You know her?" My mother asked.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered so many questions running through my mind. "She's my friend."

"Well then you can help me." She took Y/n over to the couch and laid her down. "Go get a washcloth and put it under cold water and bring it to me."

"Wait, what happened?" I asked.

"I will tell you later. Go get the washcloth."

I nodded and went to do as I was told. I quickly got the washcloth and put it under cold water just like my mom said. I then went back to the living room and gave it to her. She put it on Y/n's forehead. "So what happened?"

"Some kids were beating her up outside," she answered.

"What?! Why?!"

"Probably because she's an easy target but I don't know, all I did was stop them. Before I could ask her anything she blacked out."

"Will she be okay?"

"Yes honey, she just needs to rest. So how do you know her."

"She texted me two weeks back."

"How'd she get your number?"

"It was an accident. She punched in the wrong number for her friend and texted me instead. We haven't talked in a week though."

"Why not?"

"She pushed me away. Said she didn't want to drag me down. Which I still don't understand."

"Are you that blind?"

"What?" I asked beyond confused.

"Look at her legs."

I looked at her legs and saw for the first time two braces on them. That's when I put together the pieces. She was disabled. "She can't walk," I thought aloud.

"Well she can," my mom corrected me. "Just not very well."

I nodded. "Mom?"

"Yes sweetheart."

"Come get me when she wakes up."

"Will do."

With that I ran back upstairs to my room. I immediately logged in on my computer and went to Skype. I started a call in the group. It rang for a bit until finally Normani answered first. "Hey DJ, what's up?"

"Hey Mani, I'll tell you once everybody answers." Lauren and ally answered next. "Hey guys."

"Hey." Now we were just waiting on Camila. Finally she answered.

"What took so long?" I asked semi annoyed with a smile on my face.

"I was eating!" She defended herself.

"When aren't you?" I teased her causing her to glare at me. "But that's besides the point. I called you guys for a reason."

"Which is?" Normani egged me on when I didn't continue.

"You remember Y/n?" I asked. There was a chorus of sarcastic no's. I glared at them. "Well anyway, guess what?"


"She's at my house."

"What?!" They all exclaimed. I laughed at them.

"I thought she wasn't talking to you," Ally stated. "Why would she be at your house?"

"Because she was getting beat up outside of my house and my mom took her in."

"Why was she getting beat up?" Lauren asked.

"Probably because of her disability."

"Disability?" Camila asked as she opened a bag of chips proving my point from earlier.

"Yeah, that's what she wasn't telling me. She can barely walk. That's her secret."

"Why wouldn't she tell you that? That's not that big a deal," Normani pointed out.

"I know it's not, but to her it is. I think she gets bullied for it. That's why she wouldn't tell me."

"Well whatcha gonna do China?" Camila asked.

"First imma beat up the kids that beat her up, then imma make sure she knows I love her despite her disability, then imma take her on a date. Sound good?"





That's when there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shouted.

My mom entered. "I thinks she's waking up."

I looked at the girls. "Gotta go guys."

"Okay Cheechee."

"Get yo girl!"

"Get it DJ!"

"Be safe."

I laughed at them before hanging up and running down stairs. Okay, here we go.

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