Chapter IV

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Dinah's POV

I was sitting in the back of the tour bus with the girls as we watched the notebook for the millionth time. It was going fine when my phone started to ding.

"Who's texting you china?" Camila asked me curiously. I still haven't told them about Y/n, well I have just not specific details.

"No one," I responded too quickly for their liking. They looked at me suspiciously.

Before I knew what was happening Normani had my phone. " 'My future gf' is texting you," she read the contact name I had saved for Y/n. I blushed.

"Who's that?" Ally asked smiling.

"It's no one," I tried to make them forget about it.

"That's not no one," Lauren countered. "You know you can tell us if you like a girl, we won't care."

"I know I know, it's just that I haven't told her who I am," I replied.

"Oof," Camila exclaimed as she went back to watching the notebook and eating popcorn.

"You have to tell her," Ally told me.

I sighed. I knew they were right. I was just scared. "What if she treats me differently?"

"From the looks of these she promises she won't," Normani scrolled through our texts. I snatched my phone back to her and saw what Y/n had said.

You: Dude
You: Dude
You: Dude
You: Dude
You: Wow you're ignoring me already

You: Babe?

I smiled at her cuteness. I looked up and saw the girls staring at me. "Well go on," Lauren waved. "Text your future girlfriend." I smiled at them before quickly typing.

DJ: Yes my love

You: 🙄 that's what makes u answer

DJ: Yup

You: Noted
You: Guess who got arrested

DJ: U?

You: How would I text u if I got arrested

DJ: Maybe ur already out

You: =___=

DJ: 🤷‍♀️

You: Emily got arrested you dumbass

DJ: Hey
DJ: I'm not a dumbass

You: *gives blank stare*

DJ: Yeah okay I'm a dumbass

You: There ya go

DJ: So why'd she get arrested

You: That's the funny part
You: She jaywalked 😂😂

DJ: Oh I'm ded 😂

You: I know right 😂

I looked up sensing people over my shoulder and saw the girls all behind me reading our texts. "Seriously guys?" I asked semi annoyed but was smiling. They all just walked away like they weren't caught.

DJ: Babe I gotta go

You: Buuuuuut whyyyyyy

DJ: Because I have to get ready for rehearsals

You: What r u even rehearsing
You: A play?

DJ: Something like that
DJ: I have to go now
DJ: Love you Bye

You: Love ya too ttyl

DJ: Ps you're beautiful

You: 🙄

I smiled and set my phone down making my way to the kitchen area where the girls were. Okay so maybe I didn't have to get ready for rehearsals right now, but I will in a bit so shut up.

"So when are you gonna tell her?" Lauren asked as she bit into her apple.

"I don't know to be honest," I answered. "I want to say it when the time is right, but I don't want to wait too long."

"It'll be worse if she finds out herself," Ally reminded me.

"I know."


"So when are you going to tell her?" My best friend Emily asked me referring to my new found friend and crush Dinah Jane.

I looked down. "I don't know."

"She's gonna find out eventually Y/n," Emily told me. "You have to tell her."

I met her eyes. "But that's what I'm afraid of."

Ooooooo cliff hanger. What secrets are you hiding. Tell me what you think in the comments. See ya in hell!

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