Chapter XIII

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I woke up on a couch in a house I didn't recognize. My first thought: I've been kidnapped. I panicked. I tried to get up but groaned in pain.

"Woah there," a voice I didn't recognize spoke. It was soft and gentle, like an angels. "Don't push yourself to get up."

I looked to where the voice came from and when I saw them my jaw dropped. It was Dinah. I was speechless. What could I possible say to her? What should I say to her? I ended things with her before they had a chance to start and now I was in what I presumed to be her house. So I said the most intelligent thing I could think of. "What?"

She chuckled at me and I could feel my face heat up. "You took quite the beating. Don't try to get up yet. You should rest." I nodded and looked away as awkward silence fell upon us. That's when I realized something. She's seen my legs. She must know by now. I opened my mouth to say something about it but she must've read my mind because before I could say anything she said, "I don't care if you can't walk. In fact it kinda hurts that you think I would."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just that everyone else seemed to care when it happened so I figured why wouldn't you."

"Maybe because I'm not everyone else."

"Well I didn't know that." Silence fell upon us again. "Look I'm sorry, okay?"

"It's okay." She took a deep breath before smiling. "So you wanna tell me who beat you up." I could tell it wasn't a question.

"Ummmmmm," I gulped. "No?" She gave me a look. I sighed. "It doesn't matter Dinah."

"Yes it does!" She exclaimed. "They deserve to be punished."

"So I'll tell the principle but you're not beating them up."

"Fine, but I'm going with you to tell the principle tomorrow so you actually do it."

"Fine." I tried to find a clock but couldn't. "What time is it?"

She pulled out her phone. "Eight, why?"

"Shit! I have to call Emily and my mom." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and saw missed texts and calls.

Emily🙄: Are you home yet
Emily🙄: Hello??
Emily🙄: Dude
Emily🙄: Are you dead
Emily🙄: Y/n/n I'm worried
Emily🙄: That's it I'm calling your mom

Mom (3) missed calls
Emily (2) missed calls

Emily🙄: If you don't text me by tomorrow I'm calling the cops

I laughed at her last text. "What is it?" Dinah asked confused but with a smile on her face.

"Emily said she was gonna call the cops."


"Cuz I've sort of disappeared on everyone. I should call her." I pressed the call button. She picked up after the first ring.


"Calm yo tits women," I laughed. "I'm fine."

"Where are you?!"

"I'm at Dinah's house."

"Dinah? How'd you end up there?"

"I actually have no idea. Hold on." I looked at Dinah. "Hey Dinah?"


"How'd I get here?"

"My mom found you getting beat up, told them off, and brought you in."

"Oh okay." I went back to my phone call. "Her mom found me getting beat up and brought me in. I think I blacked out."

"YOU WERE GETTING BEAT UP!" And now we're back to yelling.

"Yeah, But calm down I'm fine."

"I should've driven you this was a bad idea."

"Actually I'm kinda glad it happened."


"Yeah I mean," I glanced over at Dinah. "Yeah."

"Ohhhhhhhhh," Emily put the pieces together. "You're with Dinah right now, aren't you?"


"Well I'll go then. I'll talk to your mom for you so you two can continue making love eyes at each other. Love ya bitch!" With that she hung up. I put my phone away.

"Everything good?" Dinah asked me.

I smiled at her. "Everything's perfect." She smiled back and I felt my face heat up causing her to chuckle at me. I covered my face with my hands. "Shut up!"

She laughed more. "You're a lot more confident over text than you really are, huh?"

I pulled my hands away once my face calmed down and pouted. "Maybe."

"You're adorable."

"Damn it!" I exclaimed as my face heated up again. "It's not your job to make me blush!"

"It can be," she smirked at me and I swore my heart stopped beating.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Oooooooooo what will you say??

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